The Words of the Schanker Family |
Dear Blessed Families,
As True Parents and True Family are advancing the foundation for Cheon Il Guk and the cleansing of the world through the Blessing, Father is personally establishing a model, or textbook, of the original standard of the Blessing by matching and Blessing the purest and most faithful of our Blessed Children according to the "Cheon Il Guk Standard." At the same time, True Parents are seeking to open the gate of Blessing for all 6.5 billion people on the earth. Therefore, our National President and Pastor Rev. In Jin Moon has guided us to raise our children and educate new members according to the highest standard of internal and external excellence, while at the same time embracing all families and young people, guiding them to the Blessing according to their situation and circumstance.
We would like to inform you that True Parents have granted a Special Grace in connection with the October 14, 2009 Blessing, which may also be accomplished through participation in the February 17, 2010 Blessing. As you know, Father explained that the October 14th Blessing was a condition to be able to spread the Blessing to the highest and lowest of situations, and also for our Blessed Central Families to be reborn and renewed as Blessed Families. Father taught us that, "All Blessed Families should receive the Blessing and make a new beginning… make their mind and body like those of a virgin and take part in the Blessing (October 14, 2009) without fail."
In the attached international memo you will find basic details concerning a path of forgiveness for First and Second Generation Couples. For First Generation this includes couples who fell after the Blessing, who continued to have sexual relationships after knowing that their spouse had fallen, as well as those who failed to keep the separation period or complete the 3-Day ceremony. For Second Generation this includes those who fell after the Blessing, those who go married with other Second Generation without receiving the Blessing as well as those who married someone from the First Generation, either within or outside of our Movement. Even if a mixed 1st and 2nd generation couple attended a past Blessing ceremony, Father has asked them to participate in October 14th and fulfill the special conditions described below.
In addition, individual Second Generation who have fallen will be forgiven by fulfilling the conditions for this special grace, and regain the original status and path of Second Generation. Unlike the previous amnesty ceremony, however, we are not emphasizing that the past can simply be erased or resolved without an honest process of confession and renewal. Young people seeking this opportunity for renewal should report to the National BFD, or contact the "Getting Back on Track" ministry, and fulfill the conditions described below. Through this process they may be matched by their parents and receive the Blessing as Second Generation. An honest report and a confession to one's parents and a representative of True Parents is essential. For youth seeking this special grace, we also recommend participation in the "Getting Back on Track" retreat coming early this summer, which will be announced in the coming weeks. While Second Generation may seek to be Blessed with any other Second Generation, there should be no secrets or hidden past between candidates or their families. Full disclosure and parental support are equally important. Partners from dramatically different backgrounds or levels of experience may face serious emotional and spiritual challenges.
Once again, couples in this situation should read the attached international memo carefully, report to their District Blessed Family Department (BFD), and fulfill the following basic conditions under the guidance of the BFD.
Attend and fulfill all conditions of the 10.14 Blessing. If they did not attend, they may also attend the upcoming Blessing in February. For detailed questions please communicate directly with the BFD.
Participation in the 7 day Original Divine Principle Workshop
1 day Fast
210 bows a day for 21 days at the local church center. For practical reasons or confidentiality concerns, these may be done in your home, as long as they are clearly reported.
Complete an offering of gratitude through the BFD equivalent to the US Blessing donation of $2000. This is in addition to the family's previous offering of $1,000 for October 14th.
Father is determined to cleanse the world through the Blessing, and to leave no individual or family behind. Therefore, as True Parents' foundation and authority expands, such grace is offered based upon their immense personal sacrifice and deep love for all Blessed Families, and all humanity. We should not take this opportunity lightly, or as a routine matter, nor can we judge our brothers and sisters, whose personal experience and course we cannot fathom. The opportunity to walk the path of the Blessing is in itself a precious grace. Let us be grateful and humble in front of our True Parents who are granting us this forgiveness, and take responsibility to attend them faithfully. Let us together support all members to be able to realize the Blessing, and make sure to spread this news to all our families and Blessed Children.
If you have any further questions, please contact the BFD; get in touch with us in person. We hope to be able to reach all our Second Generation in this situation.
Yours sincerely,
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Blessed Family Department
Memo: Special Grace from the 10.14 True Parents Cosmic Blessing Ceremony
Memo: 10.14 Special Grace Details