The Words of the Schanker Family |
Looking for an International or Cross-Cultural Matching and Blessing? Join the European Matching Convocation without Being There!
Qualified matching candidates and their parents who are interested in an international match can make their candidate profile available at the European Parents Matching Convocation in Germany April 3-5, 2010. Candidates who are interested should complete the attached Questionnaire (pdf) and return it to matching@unification.org as soon as possible. To make their information accessible, they should register at the current international matching website, www.bcmatching.org. Questionnaires should be submitted by March 28th to ensure participation.
Candidates, not parents, should complete the questionnaire. Parents should not advertise their adult child's profile without the candidate's agreement, and should develop a matching plan together with their candidate's input. Follow the instructions on the questionnaire, and visit www.bfdeu.org/BFD/seminars/currentws.php#3 to learn about the convocation itself.
Parents Convocations and additional networking events are taking place in Korea, Japan, Europe and the USA, and will soon be developed in South America, Africa and elsewhere. A schedule of upcoming international events will soon be available at the National BFD webpage at www.unification.org. At each PMC participants will be able to connect with families and candidates from other nations interested in an international match. American candidates and their families interested in making their profile available at any international PMC will be able to do so through the National BFD, or via www.bcmatching.org.
For questions or additional information, contact matching@unification.org. We look forward to supporting candidates seeking an international, cross-cultural matching and Blessing. May God be with you and your family.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
National Blessed Family Department