The Words of the Schanker Family

New Telephone Number, Hours and Email for National BFD (212) 997-0055;

Phillip Schanker
April 3, 2010

To: All Districts, States, Churches, BFD Reps, Blessed Central Families
From: National Blessed Family Department
Re: New Telephone Number, Hours and Email for National BFD (212) 997-0055;
Date: April 3, 2010

As of April 1, 2010, the National Blessed Family Department can be reached directly at a new telephone number: (212)997-0055. Calls made to the National BFD Monday-Friday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST (7:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST) will be answered directly or responded to promptly. When calling outside of these business hours, leave a clear message and contact number, and you will receive a response soon. The BFD can still be reached through the main headquarters number, (212)997-0050, at extension 414. The former BFD / headquarters number, (212)324-9600, is no longer working.

All administrative issues and requests for forms or program information can be Emailed to for prompt handling. Individual BFD staff or counselors can be reached at their personal Emails. Requests for information, dates, schedules or forms should be sent to the administration address. Please use personal Emails only for confidential or specific issues:

Director -- Rev. Phillip Schanker --
BC Blessing Affairs -- Rev. Inguk Seo --
Counseling and Education -- Mrs. Debby Gullery --
Tradition, Japanese and Intl. Families -- Mrs. Hiromi Stephens --
Administration -- Mrs. Esther Flores --

We look forward to serving our families and communities more effectively in the days to come. May God be with you and your family.


Rev. Phillip Schanker
National Blessed Family Department 

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