The Words of the Schawaller Family |
True Parents in Hungary - Personal Testimony
Wolfgang Schawaller
October 30, 2005
I attended the event of the Inauguration of the UPF and True Parents in the Hotel Hilton in Budapest. I live now in Vienna and the distance to Budapest is only a 4 hours bus drive away. The last time I saw our True Parents was 2001 in East Garden. When I was a foreign missionary I had often the privilege to see True Parents.
True Father talked for more than 2 hours to the 500 people who attended the event. The actual time of the speech is actually only 30 minutes long. But he talked about so many different topics. True Father kept returning to the actual speech that many times. He said that many people had attacked him in the past, but he was never afraid of it. In America 1700 news paper attacked him since he came to America in 1972, but they all changed by now. He said also that he helped that President Bush was re-elected in office last year.
I felt very sad, that True Parents are still banned in many Schengen countries in Europe. True Father is such a loving and charming person. There are still many politicians and religious leaders in Europe, who have wrong concepts about True Parents. What a pity!
During the speech I often had to hold back my tears. I see my Father and Mother are still in the frontline fighting this un-godly world. They love all mankind which are still persecuting True Parents until today. Even thought, I know True Parents and I'm following them for more than 30 years, I humbled myself and repented for not doing enough these last years.
I had to restrain my tears the affection and love they have for Shin Joon Moon, the grandson who accompany them to the 100 cities speaking tour around the world. When their grandson is around True Parents, they feel very happy and uplifted.
They snuggle and kiss him, as all parents are natural doing. But our True Parents could NOT do so with their own children, because of providential reason they had to love us Cain children more. I have heard this so many times, but this time I understood it with my heart and I'm still crying internally.
I will be going with my whole family for the next meeting with True Parents in Bratislava, Slovakia. Last but not least, I'm so happy that I and my family belong to our beloved True Parents and this precious movement.