The Words of the Schellen Family |
A call to schools, universities, and youth groups in Beirut and throughout Lebanon:
The organizers of Global Peace Festival 2008 seek the participation of schools, universities, and youth organizations in a special program of voluntary service that will involve young people throughout Beirut (and beyond).
The adults of today know well that the future lies in the hands of our youth. We also know that, even more than knowledge or skills, young people need to develop their conscience and public awareness through the experience of helping others.
We are holding Lebanon Youth Service Weekend on November 14, 15, and 16. During those three days, people in Beirut will witness hundreds of simultaneous service projects involving young people from schools and universities, scouts and NGOs, civic institutions and public-spirited families. Your school, university, or youth group can participate by organizing one or more projects on any or all of these three days. Those who participate will then be invited to the Global Peace Festival on January 16 (see below). Note: With permission, some projects can qualify that are held after November 16.
To participate, please fill out the form below and send it to us as soon as possible, but no later than November 12.
Following the Youth Service Weekend, we invite the volunteers and others from institutions implementing service projects to participate in a great celebration of service and peace: the Global Peace Festival will take place at the Forum de Beyrouth on the afternoon of Friday, January 16, 2009.
The participation guide for the Youth Service Weekend, in both Arabic and English, includes information about the Global Peace Festival and Youth Service Weekend, a list of project ideas, a guide to How to Plan and Implement a Project, and the participation form. The participation forms (also in Arabic and English) can be copied from this site and pasted into your word processing file, filled out, and sent by email to the address on the form.
We hope you will join us in this exciting program to promote youth service and peace in Lebanon.
Mr. Thomas Schellen
Global Peace Festival President Lebanon
Dr. Patricia Nabti Director
Association for Volunteer
Universal Peace Federation representative, Lebanon