The Words of the Schellen Family |
As the Christmas day is coming to its end, at least in our time zone, I thought to share some of my reflection on this special Day. First it was a real Family Day. After Hoon Dok Hae we had a wonderful Break feast together it was more like a buffet. Then came the unwrapping of various Christmas presents that were under the Christmas tree.
When I spotted Chocolate Santa among my gifts, I was a little surprised, you know the ones we usually buy for our kids ".
Wow I am a kid again I thought? But actually it turned out to be something very special. It was from my husband, and it had written in front "Thank you for standing by your Man".
In the afternoon we shared a great Christmas Cake with Tea.
And the crowning Event was the Christmas Dinner. I for the very first time, prepared '4 different' Veggie Dishes, that something I never did. Usually is maximum two and meat. However it turned out to be truly a great dinner. It was nice to watch my Family enjoy the Veggies and the Lamb's meat. It made all my tiredness evaporate from spending so much time cooking.
After the Dinner we were each taking turns singing our favorite 'Christmas Carols, just like that. Again that was something very special. Usually we don't sing songs together after a meal. It created an amazing Family Atmosphere.
Also it is my custom to place a picture of Jesus near the table and lit a candle, at Christmas, since we are celebrating His Birthday. Interestingly when we were sitting together enjoying the meal, I felt very strongly Jesus presence. It was like the picture 'came alive'. There was an amazing Energy coming from it. It added to the great Family Spirit, it was like Jesus was being part of it.
Naturally it all ended with a big Family Hug! And I am still "hearing" the Echos from my Family "Thank you Mom"
Merry Christmas