The Words of the Schellen Family

My Hero

Hermine Schellen
April 27, 2013

Recently in a lecture my husband asked the audience "who is your hero?"

In that moment I answered True Father, because it was through his great teaching and shining example that made me change from wanting to live for my sake to 1`80 degrees opposite, namely to live first for sake of God and others.

However, as I thought more about, I concluded that my beloved husband is my hero too.

Being a very intelligent man, who could do lots of things in his life, decided to give it all up fort God.

As he volunteered for National Messiah mission he literally embarked with his precious family on a mission, that entailed so many sacrifices and uncertainties. But he did not hesitate from the very moment he told God, "I am Yours" my "Life is Yours."

And until this very Day he kept his pledge he made in front of God and Heaven. All these years he tried his best to implement True Parent's direction in regard of God's providence, despite all odds and indescribable hardship. If I think about all this, then I cannot but see my Husband as my HERO.


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