The Words of the Selle Family |
Testimonies from New York
Complied by Angelika Selle
September 24, 2003
Here are some local members' Reports and Testimonies from the International Taskforce mobilization in NY.
Hope this will be of inspiration!
Report and Testimonies from the International Taskforce
When Mary Holden, Nancy Bulow and myself arrived late on September 22, Monday night, our brother on the 11th floor, Stephen Parker from England, greeted us with the words: "Welcome to the International task force!" We registered and were given a brand new yellow T-shirt (they just had arrived that day) and a badge on a lanyard. Saying World Peace. For some reason I felt sense of pride just by being given those items. It was as if a great honor was being bestowed upon me by just being here and participating.
That feeling of pride and gratitude intensified the next morning when we had our 5 o'clock pledge service at the Manhattan Center where all nations were represented under the spiritual leadership of our Korean elders. Every day, after a brief Hoon Dok Hae reading they take turns in sharing their personal testimonies of how they met Father and the early days. That alone I felt was worth coming here! True Father brought his closest disciples and family who have gone with him through thick and thin to share with us their deep shimjung.
When Rev. Hwang gave final instructions for the day he told us that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln had "resurrected", two brothers dressed in the authentic presidents costume. To bring their spirit down each team would read their testimonies loudly on the street as people walk by and were given the messages.
We received a strong "baptism as we went out that morning - it was pouring rain. That didn't stop us from finding a location under an awning and approach the New Yorkers with our smiles and messages from the spirit world (Thus the color yellow - messengers from heaven). Mary and I had a profound experience with that (see below). The goal is to distribute at least ½ a million of them.
The highlight for me was the rally at the library steps on 5th Avenue. Our group (all Manhattan teams) looked like a light in the midst of the hustle and bustle. The New York team under the leadership of Rev. In Hoi Lee who also serves as a superb translator every morning, had put together a powerful rally program. George and Abraham would parade in front of the group followed by the banner that was carried behind them with the words "George Washington said WHAT???" ", Abraham Lincoln said WHAT?" The banner carriers would yell out that question and the group would respond: " THIS!" holding up the message papers and books. Then each "president" would give his address to the American people directly from the spirit world through the two brothers. It was awesome! Some passers by stopped in their tracks and just listened with a wondering look on their face. This seemed so real. (Please, check for pictures!) Many took the papers that were handed out and asked questions.
Due to the great response the rallies will be brought into every New York borough twice a day.
There are many other activities occurring in the field of VIP outreach etc. The overall spirit though is a spirit of love and volunteerism and lots of energy from the spiritual realm. The leadership is open to new ideas and improvement every day to make sure we pursue and fulfill the mandate from Heaven.
Today a prayer room was opened up for ongoing prayer, and messages from the physical world (Father's words) are being distributed (1/2 a million) The spirit of love and excitement is growing as we work together with the spiritual forces. The power of God can be witnessed every day as New Yorkers respond to the messages. I hope you won't miss to be a part of this historically significant work here in America as we entered the age of Cheon Il Guk and the substantial building of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Lucy Borer
I wasn't originally inspired to contribute to this condition. However I really felt God was speaking through Susan Fefferman last Sunday at the Maryland service. I immediately ran up to Robin Musiol after the service and asked if she was going. She had already planned to come for 2 days this week and so I joined her and Linda Howell.
We distributed the messages of the presidents from the spiritual world in front of the library on Tuesday afternoon during the rally. A young Caucasian man who was raised in Manhattan, a computer specialist approached me during the rally and started asking questions. I told him very directly about Rev. Moon and invited him top the evening program. He was very interested and actually came! He listened attentively to every word of the presentation and at the discussion after he asked the question: "Do you want every one to become a member? "What do you mean by becoming a member?" And he responded: "All it takes is drinking the holy wine, right?" People around were surprised to hear him say that. His response was because I had answered him every single question on the street and explained to him straightforwardly about the Fall having been sexual intercourse, the meaning of the blessing, the holy wine, and the change of blood lineage etc.. I hope that he will come back tonight!
It was very exciting to be able to contribute to this Providence!
Robin Musiol
I desired to come because I wanted to say when I am in the spirit world that I helped with this providence.
We are aiding our Father and Mother work towards world peace internally by working side by side with our family members from across the world. In our yellow T-shirts and yellow caps we great the New Yorkers a few handouts, Father's words from the physical world and messages from the spiritual world.
A distinguished man said to me that he already read it and we had a deep discussion about the content. About 30% of the people that I talked to said that they would read it.
You will meet many old friends of yours among the 800 men and women that are here. As we heard from Rev. Hwang, the main internal condition for the United Nations Council is to create harmony among the seven nations. That certainly is a challenge since not everyone speaks the same language and has very strong ideas of their own. Yet as the days go by we all become family. Rev. Hwang is not only a wonderful leader here, but also he works with us side by side.
My most joyful experience was watching a Korean elder dancing during the rally!
In our Manhattan team (there are 10 of them) of about 70 there are about 20% Korean men, 30% Japanese sisters, 30% Europeans and 10% Americans and others, second Generation, about 10%! By they way the second generation has a grand time participating in the activities and they lead us with their youthful spirit.
I truly believe it is worth coming here even for just one day and be a part. There are also other ways to contribute, such as outreach to media and VIPS, etc. If you like to connect with the grassroots media outreach, please call, Mrs. Nadine Andre who has always some work waiting.
Mary Holden
My heart feels so grateful and humbled to be here in New York with all of my brothers and sisters! I especially enjoy the very deep-hearted testimonies of our Korean elders every morning. My soul has been nourished with God's precious love and also by meeting some beautiful second generation young people from all over the world.
I am on the Manhattan team that goes out around 35th street. As the two brothers were reading the testimonies of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, I began to have a strong desire to read the messages myself out loud. Together with Angelika I started reading. As we went on in the text we both felt this strong spiritual presence. I know it was the spirit of the presidents coming down. Incredible power surged into my body and the sense of a great desire of the presidents to have their messages understood by the American people. The more we read the clearer and better the atmosphere became around us. We captured many people's attention. For a few seconds I saw this beautiful white light all around us. People would glance at us with this curious and captured look. Many more than usual would receive the messages from our brothers and sisters. I wish that everyone could do this - at least for the experience. Thank you Heavenly Father and True Parents!
Elke Pettis
I have been waiting for this for 30 years! Now is the time that we can quickly save America!
A final word from my brother Mike Leone
This campaign is like no other campaign I have ever seen! I have been to almost all campaigns. The spirit world is working in this one in a most phenomenal way!
The most unique point about it is that - usually we approach people with a flyer inviting them to an event to hear a message. This time we give them the message directly. The spirit world is jumping like I've never seen it before!
Also I sense very strongly that we don't know how many more campaigns Father will have. This might be the last one!
Therefore I urge every family strongly to find a way to participate in this effort! Be aware, however, that this is not a hotel experience, but a Chung Pyung like experience on American soil.
Find a way that at least one member of your family can attend God and True Parents in this. Second generation 18 and up will have a profound experience, guaranteed! Plan on coming here before October 3 or help out financially someone who can attend.
We will not let God and our True Parents down at this historic and decisive moment in history! I count on all of you my brothers and sisters to pray to God and follow the call of your heart!
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