The Words of the Selle Family

Victory Of True Parents In Korea - 72 Chairmen of the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) sign Resolution and Pledge

Angelika Selle
January 1984

In his first public speeches in Korea since 1975, Father attracted tens of thousands of his countrymen in eight Korean cities to hear a stirring message at a most critical time in the country's history.

The pain of the two tragic incidents of KAL 007 and the Burma bombing was still in the bones of the Korean people, and nobody seemed really to understand the situation or to be willing to do anything about it. Father returned to his native land to show the people support in their time of need. In his speech he explained why neither democracy nor communism, religion nor philosophy, had the answer to the world's problems. He described his own life and search for solutions, and revealed the answer God had given to him: GODISM (Unificationism) and the VOC theory.

"The Republic of Korea should open her mind and accept the great ideology of God that was born here," Father said. "This is not my ideology. This ideology belongs to you and all mankind. Therefore people of Korea should arm themselves with the VOC theory and strengthen the international IFVOC."

Everywhere the response was overwhelming. With each day, Father gained momentum. Overflow crowds jammed the gymnasiums and stadiums where Father spoke warmly and enthusiastically, welcoming him and Mother. Even though the media was silenced by the Government, hundreds of thousands knew about the speaking tour, and the Korean people wanted to see their "son."

Leaders of the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) from seventy-two nations all over the world had come -- on very short notice -- to show to the Korean people their support for Father's goals. They had dropped all their other plans to attend the First PWPA World Congress in Seoul on December 18, 1983.

Most importantly all of the professors signed a resolution and pledge, in which they committed themselves to "work with the Rev. Moon towards the establishment of a God-centered world of universal fellowship and harmony."

The Eight City Tour

The IFVOC tour began in Masan. Twenty thousand people attended the rally there. Among the guest speakers was Dr. Richard Rubenstein from Florida University. He explained about his busy schedule and the short notice he had been given. But, he said, "There is only one man in the entire world who could have asked me to make such a trip. That man is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon."

Two groups of professors were formed to travel separately from city to city, participating in rallies and dinner banquets, and, of course, taking a look at Korea's ancient culture along the way.

The cities listed below were toured with the following results:

Masan: Port city in the south of Kyongsang Province
Population: 450,000
Audience: 20,000
Speaker: Dr. Richard Rubenstein

Taejon: Capital of South Chungchon Province
Population: 700,000
Audience: 12,000
Speaker: Dr. Nagendra Rijal, former Prime Minister of Nepal

Taegu: Capital of North Kyongsang Province
Population 1,600,000
Audience: 12,000
Speakers: Ambassador Tetsuo Kageyama of Kinki University, Japan, and Dr. Rubenstein

Seoul: Capital
Population: 9,000,000
Audience: 50,000
Speakers: Amb. Kageyama and Dr. Morton Kaplan

Pusan: Capital city of South Kyongsang Province and Korea's second biggest city
Population: 3,500,000
Audience: 15,000
Speakers: Amb. Kageyama and Dr. Kaplan

Chongju: Capital of North Chunju Province
Population 120,000
Audience: 12,000
Speakers: Amb. Kageyama and Prof. Kasim Gulek, former Head of U.N. Commission in Korea

Chonju: Capital of North Cholla Province
Population: 800,000
Audience: 13,000
Speakers: Amb. Kageyama and Dr. Gulek

Kwangju: Capital of South Cholla Province
Population: 800,000
Audience: 10,000
Speakers: Amb. Kageyama and Dr. Ben-Dak

The speaking tour was reminiscent of the one held in 1975 supported by the efforts of the first Global Team, except that at that time Father spoke only in Pusan and at Yoido Island in front of 1.2 million people. In a very similar manner young and old were mobilized to attend the rallies and hundreds of people arrived at the speaking halls and stadiums an hour before the start of the program in their eagerness to hear Father's message. The rallies organized by the Global Team were held during the warm months of April, May, and June, whereas this time hundreds of people unable to get into the auditoriums listened to Father's speech over a loudspeaker system in December's below-freezing temperatures.

Now, eight years later, Father appeared on the foundation of such great accomplishments as the Washing ton Times, the Youth Seminar on World Religions, the God Conference, and the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences.

In their opening addresses at the rallies, several of the leaders of PWPA declared Father to be the most remarkable religious and spiritual leader of our age and told the Korean audiences that they should cherish him.

For instance, Dr. Richard Rubenstein warned the Korean people: "As I, as a historian and a theologian, present him (Rev. Moon) to you, I am reminded of the saying of the greatest son of my own people, Jesus of Nazareth, who said: 'A prophet is not recognized in his own country, that is among his own people.' There is always a danger that a great man will not be recognized among his own!"

Dr. Morton Kaplan commenced his testimonial speech at the rally in Seoul: "By descent I am a Cohen. A rabbi is a teacher, a Levite is a priest, but only a Cohen, a descendant of Moses, is permitted to intercede with God... I recognize such a man in the Rev. Sun Myung Moon."

Great interest and wonder marked the many Korean faces as they were sitting on the floor jammed together for two and one-half hours straight, listening attentively to each of the speeches. Especially the younger generation -- those between 20 and 30 -- was present in large numbers.

Prof. Kasim Gulek (Turkey) and Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak

The Rallies

The pattern for each rally was the same. After True Parents and the professors had stepped on stage, everyone rose to greet the flag and join in the national anthem. A memorial melody for all patriots was played by the band, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Charismatically and powerfully, world must come to see that Korea is the keystone of the non-communist world for survival and progress."

Before Father read his speech, which was written on a scroll, flowers were presented to him and Mother.

This first part of the rally concluded with a resolution to fight against communism, led by Mr. In Teh Hwang, and with three cheers of Mansei, led by the president of the Unification Church of Korea, Mr. Jae Suk Lee. Everyone rose and joined together with True Parents in the redetermination. Amid thunderous applause, Father, Mother and the professors left the hall, clearing the stage for the presentation of the CAUSA multi-image show entitled "Rev. Moon, A Legend in his own Time."

Rev. Young Suk Choi, the master of ceremonies introduced the speakers. Pres. Sang Hun Lee, chairman of the IFVOC of Korea, made opening remarks in Korean, succeeded by two congratulatory addresses by a local governor and university president.

In each city, one of the main speakers was Mr. Kageyama of Japan, former ambassador to Korea, and, representing the PWPA worldwide, one of the following four chairmen addressed the audience: Dr. Morton Kaplan, Dr. Richard Rubenstein. Dr. Kasim Gulek (Turkey) or Prof. Josef Ben-Dak (Israel). Like "John the Baptists," all testified to Father, to his works, and to his worldwide accomplishments, encouraging the Korean people to cooperate with and support him. They also declared that "the doubt that these colorful pictures left a strong impression on the Koreans' minds and hearts about Father, his motivation, and his deeds.

For all the PWPA chairpersons and local members, the program continued in the evening with dinner banquets. True Parents didn't attend those events, yet they were very well represented by Dr. Lee, the president of PWPA Korea, Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, Vice- President of PWPA, and various guest speakers, who would elaborate upon the main points of Father's public speech.

The two greatest responses were seen in Seoul and Kwangju (last city). In Seoul, more than 1000 buses were mobilized on a regular working day (Tuesday) to bring people from all over the city and the countryside.

One hour before the program started in Kwangju, the hall was completely packed, with thousands of people more standing outside in 15 degrees below zero Celsius (five degrees Fahrenheit) weather. This was truly extraordinary!

The Professors and The First PWPA World Congress

The whole tour wasn't exactly what the professors had expected when they were asked to come to Korea. In fact they didn't know at all what was going to happen, but they willingly and joyfully fit themselves into the great "adventure." Their cooperation and openness were amazed. But of nurse, Korean hospitality and the loving care of the regional missionary leaders, who also were on the tour and tried to meet the professors' every need, were instrumental in making the exciting but strenuous trip even more agreeable.

And even the weather cooperated! From the first to the last day, the sun was shining, and the sky was clear, so that all the buses could drive safely. As soon as the last rally in Kwangju had finished, snow started falling.

Some of the professors had just returned home from the ICUS XII conference in Chicago (November 28) or were still on business in America, when five days later the surprising call came: "Rev. Moon wants to meet you in Korea for the First PWPA World Congress. Can you attend?" Without any further explanation about the nature of the meeting, this call went out to all corners of the world.

In some cases, small miracles happened so that the busy professors were able to get the message. For example, Dr. W. Theo Roy was just on his way out for a speaking engagement, when the telephone rang. Five minutes later he would have been gone. Likewise

Dr. Elawal from Egypt doesn't have a telephone at home, only at his institute office, but when the special call came he just "happened" to be there and just "happened" to answer the phone. Every step along the way, he told a brother, he felt that God had been guiding him to get to Seoul.

Prof. A.M. Adjanba from Togo responded to the "call" with a straight answer, saying that wherever and whenever Rev. Moon wanted him to go, he would do it. He says that because he is truly inspired about our movement, "I really believe that Rev. Moon is the man who can change this world. And Africa has never participated in something so important. I want to represent Africa to work together with Rev. Moon to change the world even though I have my own church."

In the midst of the speaking tour, on December 18, the professors gathered at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center to participate in the First International Congress of PWPA. More than 300 PWPA professors from all over Korea attended.

Opening remarks were given by Dr. Hang Nyong Lee, the president of PWPA in Korea. He welcomed the many guests and spoke about the significance of this First International Congress held in Korea: "PWPA promotes Rev. Moon's ideals academically, intellectually and philosophically, so that his revolution will be the final revolution in the history of mankind. It is our honor to be engaged in this great task. Korea has given birth to Rev. Moon and Korea is politically destined to carry out this noble task, I want to call this revolution, after the French and the Russian Revolution, the Korean Revolution."

Dr. Morton Kaplan, chairman of the First Congress, spoke on the topic "PWPA and World Peace." Among other things he reminded the professors that this crusade in Korea was a "crusade that all of us can join in whether members of the Unification Church, whether members of some other Christian religion, Jews, Buddhists or others, sharing this broader framework of ideals." Father's own message to the professor was entitled: "PWPA and Our Resolution."

Part two of the program involved the CAUSA multi-image show on Father and his worldwide activities. The afternoon was delightfully crowned by the colorful singing and dancing of the Little Angels.

Another surprise was yet to come: dinner with Father at his home. The house is situated on the top of a hill with an all-round view over Seoul. Everyone was personally welcomed by Father and Mother and led downstairs, where beautiful tables were prepared.

It seemed like a grand family gathering with our True Parents as host and hostess. Everyone was in good spirits. Nobody knew what to expect -- an invitation into Rev. Moon's home for dinner! They all had come because of this one man, whom they didn't even know very well, except from shaking hands with him at conferences and listening to his unusual, rather short speeches. Everyone was happy in each other's company and, of course, with the typical Korean food.

While dessert was being served, Father rose, walked to the middle of the room and started talking. He first of all apologized for inviting the professors on such short notice and giving them so little information. But "because of your interest you probably would have come anyway," he said. Father made a few jokes and everybody laughed. Then he asked if anyone had any questions. One professor from Jamaica took his chance: "How does Rev. Moon know what my wife wants? My wife said, when you go to Korea, try to get a suit." (Laughter.) Indeed Father had ordered a custom-made suit for each professor and shoes to go along with it. "Well," Father said, "I just have that special antenna: your wife's wish is visible with a special antenna..." And he elaborated on that antenna, his special connection with God, the reality of the spirit world and the fact that virtually everybody could develop such an "antenna."

Father also emphasized basic principles of life and the ultimate purpose of living. He said it is not enough for professors to have Ph.D.'s; their responsibility reaches much further than that to the point of educating young people in absolute values, giving moral guidance, and leading exemplary lives themselves (speech available at today's World Office).

For the first time in ten years, Father asked the PWPA professors for something, and that was to take a clear stand, and to give themselves "for the sake of the world... Use your power and influence for the sake of goodness and righteousness... Before communism takes over the world, we've got to defend this free world and our values. For this reason the time has come and we've got to stand up on the front line. If you feel exactly like me and act exactly like me in your own country we do have great hope for the world.–

Father closed by apologizing for making the professors listen, since usually they are the ones who talk.

Full of spirit and inspiration, the audience applauded. The professors each received a special gift bought by Mother: a tie and a tie-clasp set with a turtle stone symbolizing low life -- at least a hundred years!!

Before leaving, each of the professors signed the official resolution and pledge (page..) the Declaration of the Independence Army.

Our prayers are needed to support them in their new-found missions to help God and humanity.

A Resolution And Pledge

On the occasion of the First International Congress of the Professors World Peace Academy.

The First International Congress of the Professors World Peace Academy, attended by PWPA presidents and other leaders from every part of the world and meeting in the nation of Korea, is an historical event.

It is remarkable that this Congress could be organized in so short a time and be carried out so successfully before the watchful eyes of the people of Korea and, indeed, the entire world.

Our presence here is the eloquent testimony to the passionate desire for the world peace that unites all of us.

We sadly observe that humanity faces a new crisis -- this time of monumental proportions -- that threatens both freedom and indeed the very existence of human civilization. Communism has been exposed as tyranny, but the democracies have also failed to rally the world toward alternatives that inspire hope and courage.

We applaud the bold, daring, and innovative mission of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon to inspire men and women in every part of the globe to meet the crisis. His teachings, known as Unification Thought, offer a powerful new vision of a God-centered world, and are already motivating conscientious men and women in all lands to devote their lives to the quest for world peace and a redeemed humanity. We are grateful to him for what he has already done and for his continuing effort on behalf of all humanity.

On this occasion, we proclaim our resolve to work with the Rev. Moon towards the establishment of a God-centered world of universal fellowship and harmony in which the terrible wounds of the past arising from differences of history, culture, nationality and race will be bound up and healed. Towards this noble end, we the representatives of the PWPAs of the countries attending this First International Congress hereby affirm the following ideals:

1. The universal reign under God of justice and good will.

2. The brotherhood of all humanity under God.

3. A world united under God in peace.

4. A new God-centered world civilization founded upon love and heart.

We solemnly declare before God and all of humanity that we will strive towards the achievement of these ideals.

Seoul, Korea
December 18, 1983

The Most Unusual Leader Of Our Age -- Comments of Professors

Prof. Nour Salmon
Acting Vice-President, PWPA, Lebanon
Chairman, Department of Modern Arabic Literature
The Lebanese University

I came to this conference on very short notice. In spite of all that's happening in my own country -- and you know very well that we are in a tragically complicated situation -- I chose to come. I came because I am always eager, especially these days, to participate in constructive, positive and fruitful work.

What really struck me from these very important rallies is the pull for scholars and professors to reach the masses. We have had enough scholarly work put on the research shelves of our universities and cultural institutions for the sake of a limited number of people. The gap between academics and the masses should be overcome through a new orientation on the part of the scholars. If academic work is not concerned about human beings, their happiness, their ideals, the improvement of their situations, it is doomed to be futile.

I believe that Rev. Moon is one of the most unusual leaders of our age, and I underline the word "unusual." He has proven that miracles do not dwell only in the absolute, but that they can take a concrete form in everyday life.

Rev. Moon warned us, and we really needed it, and drew our attention strongly to our responsibilities as scholars. In his very important speech, he talked about the failure of the institutions in our modern age, but did not stop at that. He provided an alternative by stressing the importance of spiritual values, faith, our relationship with God and the substantial building of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. He talked About the utopia spoken of in poetry. He was talking in a very simple but deep way about what could and what should be done.

Prof. Angel Garcia-Ontiveros
Vice-President, PWPA, Bolivia
Head, Department of Coordination
The Bolivian University

I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived here, because first of all we were called to become familiar with Seoul, the motherland of Rev. Moon. I interpreted it as an appeal for us foreigners from other countries to learn about Korea, about its 5,000-year history, and probably to become internally motivated to be more receptive to Rev. Moon's message.

This preparation, even in this short period of time, was full of beautiful surprises, not only from Korea itself as a country, but because the organization and the people that were helping us to come here were so nice. We forgot very easily the 60 hours flight that I, for example, had from my country to Seoul.

But what is probably more important than the trip itself is the message. And I am going now to the second part: In my opinion, and I think this is shared by several other scholars, we very often escape from our responsibility in relation to world peace. In most cases, we were thinking that peace is a problem that we have to defer to politicians or the heads of government to solve. In only a very few cases do we accept the responsibility to contribute toward this peace.

The recent events of the late months were, in my opinion, a risk for world peace in a sense that the confrontation between the two worlds became more critical.

Rev. Moon based last night's appeal upon the use of our intellectuality and knowledge, contributing positively to peace. Rev. Moon doesn't only respond to a national or an international interest- but a general worldwide interest which has nothing to do with race, religion, even geographical location of the people. I think that appeal, with his suggestions, are spiritually rich and are also practical efforts to face the problem.

Rev. Moon's speech was rich in the sense that it is not only attacking one side, the evil side, because he doesn't consider a particular government as evil. Further, he is attacking the system which fails to accept the spirituality of humankind.

Therefore this attack needs to be supported by those who think that freedom is a very precious gift of God, and the only way to keep this freedom is by opposing anything that would diminish it.

Moreover, in this attack, Rev. Moon established clearly that he is not for capitalism. I think that this statement is very important, because it means that he is only working in favor of peace, regardless of the political issues and the politics of governments. He recognizes that not only the East partakes of evil, but the West misbehaves as well. What he wants is worldwide restoration -- not only to seek for peace, but to ground this peace upon values.

Another important aspect of his speech is related to values. I think mankind forgets very easily that unless real values, objective values, are established, there is little that can be done because special interest groups are going to effect great results. Peace is in danger because of these special interests, and real values will then not be established.

So I am very happy and I would say very honored to be called from such a long distance to be here in Korea, and to be present at these important events that I am confident are going to be historic.

Prof. Bongile Putsoa
Acting Vice-President, PWPA, Swaziland
Dean, Faculty of Education
University of Swaziland

I am highly impressed by the Korean people. I've been comparing what would happen in my homeland with such rallies. In my homeland, the only time you can have so many people come together is when they are called together by the head of state, and everyone must go; otherwise there is trouble. But I got the impression that these people are coming voluntarily, because they believe something. They believe that this is good.

What strikes me from Rev. Moon's message is that love A the basis for everything.

Secondly, I was roused when Rev. Moon said that most of the time when we know that something is wrong, we think it is too much for us and just keep moaning about the situation. Yet the little we can do to show our feelings, showing that we don't want this, is important. Then I began to realize something about Victory over Communism. If one single person says, "We are not going to have it," a whole lot of people will stand up as well. This comes from an individual making his statement clear and coming out into the open with it rather than giving up. And we do give up many times, don't we?

And a third thing that struck me was what the speaker in Pusan, Dr. Donald Drover from New Zealand, said, something which follows again what Rev. Moon was saying: As professors we have a job to do. This message related very well to the experience of just sitting back and hoping that things would become okay, thinking that other people would have to do something about it, but not us. And yet we in teaching can through our own classes change the mental status quo of the student. At the university we've got so much freedom. We the curriculum Of the year. Each member of the staff decides as a matter of course what he is going to be dealing with, and how he is going to deal with it. One only has to agree with the rest of his own department. This is the line we are taking. So we've got the power of the universities in our hands to lead knowledge to values. At least we can make a start. This is where an organization such as PWPA becomes important: We professors can have a chance of coming together to support each other to explore what we can do to help the world situation.

Prof. Chavannes Douyon
President, PWPA, Haiti
Prof. of Psychology
University of Haiti

I attended the ICUS XII in Chicago, the third one for me so far. When I was informed about this conference, I didn't know exactly what it would be about. I decided immediately to come, because I realized that if I was asked to come, it meant that there was something important. I arranged things to be able to attend. I am very happy to be here and to participate in all these rallies, bringing my personal support for Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

I know that he has been the object of very heavy attack, especially from the communists, and I support him of course as well as the people of Korea who are fighting against communism and who want to preserve their autonomy and their freedom. The Unification Movement is very blessed, meaning that it is in a good position to help create and offer a new solution to the world. We have realized that the other religions and world views have failed to bring substantial answers to the world's problems. I am very sure that the Unification Movement will help because of its philosophy, which is love. I think that's exactly what we need now in the world. We don't have enough love and we don't know how to use it. We have lost almost all of our values and we have to realize that absolute values are necessary so we can solve the conflicts of the actual world.

Prof. Dr. Wilvin Wiggins
Vice-President, PWPA, Jamacia
Head, Department of Philosophy
University of the West Indies

I felt somewhat uncomfortable after I discovered that I didn't read it as a PWPA meeting really, but a meeting to which PWPA had been invited. So it wouldn't be an ordinary PWPA meeting. From what transpired I realized why it had to be like that, what Rev. Moon was doing.

I mean it was an emergency, in a sense, that there was some PWPA business which couldn't wait another two months, but rather it was coinciding with certain plans Rev. Moon had. So I understood it in that way and it's perfectly all right.

What struck me in Rev. Moon's speech was, near the e, a paragraph in, the translation which made the point that professors cannot really afford to say that all they are doing is investigating knowledge and they are not at all involved in influencing the opinions or values of the community. I thought that was a very warranted rebuke. We tend to sit on the fence most of the time and say we are academics. That has serious implications.

Prof. Josef Ben Dak
President of PWPA, Israel
Chairman, Science Policy Consultants
Director, Kidron Digital Systems, Haifa

I was greatly surprised. I really wondered how anybody could organize a conference on such short notice, but I decided to come even though I had many things to do.

Going to Korea is always a major experience. And I very much believe in the important point that Rev. Moon made, that Korea is the meeting point with the great enemy of mankind today, which is communism For me so far it has been a fantastic experience to come, especially being able to share it with my wife.

Prof. Jose-Antonio Galves
Vice-President, PWPA, Uruguay
Prof. of Spanish Literature
Institute of Philosophy, Literature and Science

I was very interested to come to Korea, because I knew that the people and their thoughts must be very united with Rev. Moon. I needed to know more about the spirit of Rev. Moon and through my visit here I gained knowledge of this. I can say now that I have learned much more than before of the Korean people and of God.

I always thought of Rev. Moon as a man of high inspiration. He has a very complex heart and mind. He is one of those persons who are very difficult to understand in all his dimensions, not because he doesn't communicate efficiently, but because he is a historic per- son -- difficult to be understood in his time by people with narrow minds and small hearts, who are very abundant in this world and who cannot accept a per- son of deep insight.

To name all of Rev. Moon's qualities is very difficult, but I want to choose some that impressed me the most. First, I think he is a man who chose to make a real spiritual and cultural revolution in the world, because he is centered on God.

Second, Rev. Moon loves the world beyond all personal and national interests.

Also I am deeply impressed by the humble, humane character with which he reaches me. He is a man who does not feel apart from other men, but instead reaches them with his heart in the deepest part of the human soul.

Finally I want to affirm as my fundamental impression and as an academic, that I have not found in any- body else such a consideration, esteem, and confidence in men of culture or for men of culture, than there seems to be in Rev. Moon. He has given us a privileged mission in his plans to save the world. I thank him deeply and I expect that all of us will know how to respond to that great mission and confidence that he has deposited in us.

Prof. Koemen
Vice-President of PWPA, Netherlands
Prof. Emeritus of Education
Amsterdam University

After reading about Rev. Moon, I thought it is best to meet with these people and with him in person in order to analyze my opinion. I believe very much in my intuition, and I was very happy that my own thoughts were very much confirmed in Rev. Moon as a per- son and as a minister. I don't want to say that my judgment is absolute, but in such an important matter I wanted to do everything possible to get to know him, because I also carry responsibility for other people.

The rallies were very special because seventy nations were represented. I also experienced for the first time what it means to live under the immediate pressure of another country, in this case, communist North Korea, just by here. What moved me also was to see how the Korean people reacted to the fact that 70 people had come from far abroad in order to sincerely support them. 

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