The Words of the Song Family |
Dear Leaders, brothers and sisters.
True Parents left very happily Europe around 09h00 this morning and expressed again that they really appreciated the love and hard work of all European members!
All this time during his stay in Europe, True Father was very serious. I have rarely seen him this serious. After the inauguration he came back and launched an important providence that we have now witnessed. Even all Korean Elders who came for the Opening of the PEACE CUP were asked to return for the event of August 1, 2009 event.
Back in 1965 True Parents came to Spain to establish the Holy Grounds. After that he wanted to come to Spain in 1995 but was prevented from coming through the airport event in Paris related to the Schengen problem.
For 44 years they couldn’t come back to Spain. True Parents now realized that Europe is again open and they are welcome anywhere they want to go. They arrived in Nice, France on 17 of July and there were no difficulties at all. They stayed in Monte Carlo for one week. After that they went to Seville for the opening of the Peace Cup.
Next day they went to Germany, no problem either, Baden-Baden. After one day they went back to Spain, Barcelona. 5 more days and then they came back to Seville for the August 1, 2009 event and through the victorious event; we could help True parents to fulfill their last providential period, a kind of legacy time.
Many of you prepared an excellent venue, Italy, Paris-France, even Switzerland, but of course True Parents wanted to fulfill certain providence. They didn’t want to do tourism, or gambling or just hobby industry life…
The Peace Cup in Europe is not just about Football. But it is rather to be seen as Father’s commitment and message of Absolute Sex,
Peace Cup is a Symbol of Sexual Organs, Man’s sperm and woman’s egg come together and unite centering on True Love. The Peace Cup wasn’t just about the games but rather let the whole world truly understand the time we are living and make everyone connected to the True Love Providence. After this Father will go to the Hell of Hells, like Las Vegas and liberate all those dirty places.
Father and Mother were supposed just to come and cut the ribbon of the art exhibition, But Father instead talked about absolute sexual ethics for 2 hours and delivered the message about Absolute Sex.
This message was extremely challenging to the assembled audience, all connected to Football and the Peace Cup. Many football stars were present. Very difficult message for them. Some of them became really upset. They couldn’t understand the connection. Even the translator wasn’t Unificationist, so he couldn’t understand this content, his translation was very bad. Through that the audience didn’t get a clear picture about Father but rather a very confused one.
After the problematic opening on July 24, 2009 Father suddenly instructed Rev. Kwak to do again an event of August 1, 2009.
Rev. Song expressed that all his church life he never had such a hard time… He said that now he could start to understand Rev. Kwak who went through many of such occasions.
All the close staff to True Parents had also a very difficult time because of the importance of the providential events. Dr. Peter Kim especially prepared a shorter than usual speech for the Opening of the Peace Cup for True Father. But Father noticed that the speech he delivered was not the one he had in mind. We always want him to take a rest. But this is not what Father wanted. So Father scolded Peter Kim so hard, asking why he had changed his speech without asking him. There were many situations like that in this time of True Parents presence in Europe. So often Rev. Song could see Father sitting by himself reading Hoon Dok Hae.
Rev. Song worried so much about the event of August 1, for Spain, Europe and world and for the sake of the Peace Cup. But the August 1, event was a great and decisive victory and after the final game of August 2, Father was so happy, that he could deliver the message so freely, so gracefully and he was extremely happy about the European family members efforts and heart.
We had an event of worldwide importance here Seville, Spain on August 1, 2009 and it was connecting to the event of June 1, 2009 in Seoul, the launching of True Father’s autobiography. Rev. Sun Jo Hwang reported so many good news about the good reception of the book in Korea. Rev. Hwang keeps visiting city by city and sees that now so many are testifying for True Father’s greatness in Korea,
In 2009, from September to December, this campaign will continue, people will be able to go to bookstore and get True Father’s book,
Another important providential event is that Father has launched the start of the Parent UN now, not anymore Cain and Abel UN, but a UN that represents the Parental Heart. The Peace Cup and round ball tournaments in sports are also connected to this providence.
True Father asked Rev. Song to send a football team to Korea for another important tournament by August 13-15, 10 days from now!
From Korea and Brazil representing East and West, Russia and Europe representing North and South. The teams should be arriving August 13 and play August 15, 2009.
For next 4 years Europe is main continent to carry out the worldwide Cheon Song providence.
True Father said Barcelona is most able like city in Europe. It is also a Mediterranean city. Many Christian missionaries came through Barcelona to South America, Asia, The Mediterranean Sea was meant to be center of the world at the time of Jesus, but due to the failure of Jesus mission and later on Christianity, it became a place of corruption, sin city, gambling, place of free sex, alcohol, etc.
True Father was trying so hard to establish conditions for liberation this time by visiting and staying in several different places,
After game, in car, True Father declared the Peace Cup as a” great and decisive victory”. In more than 100 nations were viewing it, here there were not many spectators because Real Madrid lost in the semi-finals and couldn’t play in the finals. If Real had played the final, the stadium would have been completely filled. But the games gained a great international interest.
Already for the next Peace Cup it looks like the English team of Aston-Villa would be keen and interested to co- host it in the UK.
Rev. Song expressed that although he had such a hard time, he realized that it was finally True Parents great love for Europe, great love and great blessing, which means also their great expectation for Europe,
Thanks to all for your great offering, great support, for august 1 event, and the whole Peace Cup 2009. Thank you!!!