The Words of the Song Family |
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Dear National and Community Leaders,
Important points from President Yong Cheol Song to share at Sunday Service:
Through the mobilization of 650 European members to the July 8th Convention in Korea we expressed our filial heart to True Parents in such a way that True Father was moved by Heavenly Father to return form Yeosu (where he had begun to set strong conditions for the next event in New York) and spend a very intimate seven hours with European members after they completed the ODP Workshop.
True Mother also expressed her deep appreciated several times for Europe's response and her delight to see that more than one third of those attending from Europe were second generation members.
True Father declared that all attending would receive 'Heaven's Seal' -- he created a special ODP Workshop so that they could receive a certificate signed by True Parents after just 2 days of attendance.
This represents a great leap forward for the European providence -- we now stand on a completely new level. You will see the providence moving forward so rapidly.
The success of the July 8th Convention in Korea has set a strong condition to resolve the grave danger of violent conflict on the Korean Peninsula. The event in New York has a similar significance towards the global situation -- a strong condition to ensure that tragedy does not affect the world during this Last Days period.
These events create the condition for eight generations of our ancestors to descend through returning resurrection and live with us in total oneness and liberation. They will join the Original Divine Principle Workshop and support the Cheon Il Guk providence through to Foundation Day (January 13th 2013).
The event in New York will include the grace of a special Seunghwa Festival to liberate all those who were victims of the First and Second World Wars and will create a strong condition for the Cain UN to unite with True Parents' vision.
In support of True Parents, who are making such serious conditions at this time (e.g. True Father's 24 hour Hoon Dok Hae condition without food, water or a toilet break), we should study True Father's July 8th Proclamation Speech. These words will help us to make the decisions which will correctly guide our own lives, families, tribes and nations during this Last Days period.
Let us demonstrate our filial piety and loyalty by fully supporting True Parents' providence and manifesting absolute unity as their sons and daughters. This is a providence to establish total oneness between Parents and Children (let us set the condition like Isaac with Abraham to bless all our future generations). By joining this providence we are expressing our oneness with True Parents as their children and creating a condition for unity within True Family and all our Blessed Central Families. True Father specifically invited Hyun Jin Nim to the event in New York.
President Song mentioned that this is True Father's last call to his children (it reminded President Song of when his own physical father call him to receive his last words -- he always regrets that he did not make it at that time).
This is not an ordinary event -- never before did True Father request 2000 from Europe to Korea followed by 1200 to USA -- this is an extraordinary final request. We do not understand how much our unity will add to True Parents' condition and achieve so much for the providence.
All families who could not send somebody to Korea should do their utmost to send a representative to New York. All Community Leaders should do their utmost to attend if they did not make it to Korea.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office