The Words of the Song Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please pass this information immediately to all our membership network.
Out of our deep respect for our Founders we should all be aware that discretion needs to be employed when distributing photo images of True Parents' European Tour.
Surely we all wish to promote understanding and profound respect for True Parents and their work and to ensure that they would be happy with material that enters the sphere of electronic distribution.
We therefore ask that all members who have had the privilege to participate in this wonderful European Tour understand that any material they place on social network sites, or distribute by other electronic means, has the potential to spread without limit and no longer remain under their control.
Therefore please ensure that you do not distribute photo images or reports of more personal encounters that are not appropriate for public distribution, or that may be open to misuse by those who do not respect or understand the work of our True Parents.
All such materials must pass scrutiny by the European Office before they are distributed.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office