The Words of the Spurgin Family |
Nora Spurgin Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from Women’s Federation for World Peace
May 1, 2008
Dr. Hugh Spurgin, President
Bridgeport International Academy
285 Lafayette Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604-5611
Bridgeport, CT, May 1, 2008 -- Nora M. Spurgin, principal of Bridgeport International Academy, was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by Women's Federation for World Peace on April 26 at the 16th Annual National Assembly of WFWP held in Whippany, New Jersey.
For seven years, Mrs. Spurgin served as the president of WFWP - USA and as vice president of WFWP International. She traveled extensively worldwide, speaking, conducting seminars, and organizing international conferences.
"We can look back on what we have done, and we can have goals for the future, but it is in living fully and productively each day that we make our contribution," Mrs. Spurgin told the ladies assembled from throughout America and the world.
Since Bridgeport International Academy was established in 1997, Dr. and Mrs. Spurgin have served as the leaders for the high school that our True Parents founded in Connecticut. The Academy is accredited by the State of Connecticut and by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Scholarships are available for students who are outstanding academically. On August 15, 2007, BIA moved into beautiful new quarters, immediately adjacent to the University of Bridgeport.
A psychiatric social worker by profession, Mrs. Spurgin has a master’s degree in social work from New York University and has worked as an individual, family and group therapist. She has written numerous articles, edited a journal for families, and published two books, Insights into the Afterlife and Circles of Angels.