The Words of the Spurgin Family |
December 16, 1985, the Chamshil Gymnasium is filled to overflowing at
the International Rally for Freedom welcoming True Parents home to
On December 11, 1985, a gloriously successful homecoming banquet was held in honor of True Parents in a jam-packed ballroom in the Hilton Hotel in Seoul, which was filled with 2,200 distinguished international dignitaries gathered to pay tribute to the conclusion of Father's 40-year ministry and to welcome him back to his homeland.
The majority of those present were Korean leaders from every field of human endeavor, although at the head table and sprinkled throughout the audience were dignitaries from Japan, the United States, India, Latin America, and Europe. Nine former heads of state of Latin American countries were Father's special guests.
Prior to the event, Father held a reception for the international VIP's at which he shook hands with all of them and embraced many of them.
Parents shake hands with some of the former heads of state.
Rev. Yong Suk Choi moderated the evening program at the banquet, which included brief speeches by the following people: Dr. Joseph Lowery, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Dr. Cleon Skousen, president of the National Center for Constitutional Studies; Dr. Morton Kaplan, president of the Professors World Peace Academy International; Terry Dolan, president of the National Conservative Political Action Committee; Dr. Robert Grant, chairman of Christian Voice; Dr. Don Sills, president of the Coalition for Religious Freedom; Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor-in-chief of The Washington Times-, and Dr. Syed Ausaf Ali, executive vice-president of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. These remarks were stirring testimonies to what Father has accomplished in America.
After that, Dr. Bo Hi Pak introduced Father, who then spoke in Korean on the topic of "The Path of Korea for the Sake of the World".
at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center.
On December 12 a luncheon and program was held at the elegant Little Angels Performing Arts Center in honor of Father and Mother, which was attended by approximately 200 international dignitaries and 1500 leaders of local Korean IFVOC chapters.
Father spoke impromptu for nearly 30 minutes to the international VIP's, conveying special messages to the Japanese, American, Latin American, and Korean representatives. His speech was translated into both English and Spanish by Dr. Bo Hi Pak and Antonio Betancourt.
Dr. Morton Kaplan and Dr. Richard Rubenstein, president of the Washington Institute and distinguished professor of religion at Florida State University, wrote and presented a proclamation testifying to the vision and work of Father and asked everyone present who supported the sentiments expressed therein to stand and applaud this statement, which they did.
Then the guests viewed stupendous performances by the Sun Wha Orchestra and Choir, which offered classical works as well as Korean folksongs; the Universal Ballet Company, featuring Julia Hoon Sook Moon; and the Little Angels Folk Ballet.
At the conclusion of the program Dr. Pak and the emcee, Mr. No Hi Pak, invited Father, Mother, the former heads of state, and Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Lowery to come on to the stage to personally meet and receive medallions from the Little Angels.
Jose Chaves, president of AULA, with Father.
On December 16 an IFVOC National Security Rally for Peace and Freedom was held the Chamshil Gymnasium in Seoul for a turn away crowd of 40,000 people. The written invitation for the event was a call for Korea and the free democratic countries to unite and strengthen their spirit. "Now is the time for us to make a determination for national security;' it read." In these urgent times, Rev. Sun Myung Moon is leading the members of IFVOC in 137 countries. He has returned home, accompanied by several former heads of state and other distinguished visitors to take part in a rally for national security. We extend this invitation to you to attend and add your inspiration to the rally!'
Speakers at the rally included the following people: Dr. Osami Kuboki, president of IFVOC of Japan, who read telegrams from both Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and former prime minister Nobusuke Kishi; Dr. Ahn Ho Sang, a former minister of education in the Republic of Korea; General Louis Ordonez-Castillo, former president of the Republic of Colombia; Dr. Mario Echandi Jimenez, former president of Costa Rica; Richard Viguerie, author and syndicated columnist; Dr. Ronald Godwin, vice president of The Washington Times and former executive director of the Moral Majority; Dr. Robert Grant; Dr. Joseph Paige, executive vice president of Shaw Divinity School; John Le Boutillier, former congressman from Long Island, New York; Dr. Richard Rubenstein; and Mervyn M. Dymally, U.S. congressman from California.
The high point of the rally was Father's Founder's Address, "God's Will and Korea,'' in which he spoke about the role of the Korean people at this important moment in history.
On the occasion of your return to your homeland after 40 years of worldwide ministry, we who lead the many projects you have founded and supported have come from every part of the globe to express our profound appreciation of your vision and for the fruit it has already borne. The period of your public ministry coincides with the four decades that have passed since the end of the Second World War. Although divided by communist aggression your native land has become a model among the free developing nations of scientific, technological, and industrial leadership. In your person, your native land has also demonstrated its capacity for international spiritual and cultural leadership. On this occasion, we are mindful of both your achievements and the many sacrifices you, Mrs. Moon, and your family have made throughout your career to bring your vision to realization.
Any one of your endeavors would have been more than enough for the life work of a single individual, yet you have succeeded in uniting in common purpose men and women of every major civilization. For more than 30 years you have gathered together renowned scientists and scholars so that they might apply their knowledge to the founding of an international order based on absolute and universal values. Ever mindful of the need for practical support for your initiatives, you and your followers have invested great resources in innovative technical and scientific development. You have brought together religious leaders of every faith and tradition to enhance the cause of religious understanding and to build the fellowship of all peoples under God. You have founded research institutions which enable leaders to understand the problems confronting their nations in depth. Of special importance has been your contribution to honest media of communications throughout the free world.
Through your teaching and your ability to inspire men and women, you have strengthened the resolve of national leaders to resist the spread of communist totalitarianism. None of these would have been possible without your religious inspiration. Your whole career, and most especially your vision of a world in which the family of mankind is united under God, serves as a model of how to work for the solution of our common problems. You have brought this vision of a united human family to church, mosque, and temple; to campus and factory; to the business world and the fishing fleets; to slum and university. This vision has affected journalists, the corridors of power, and the guardians of justice. You have enabled us to understand more deeply our fate as members of the family of mankind.
We have been moved by your vision. We share in it. We pledge ourselves to its support and enhancement. We call upon all peoples to join with us in this mighty undertaking on behalf of all humanity.