The Words of the Stephens Family |
Necessary Information and Forms - First Generation Members for Matching and/or for Blessing
Jim and Hiromi Stephens
December 28, 2006
Very Important:
Always Keep A Personal Copy Of All Forms And Pictures:
Submit the following:
(1) one copy of all forms,
(2) 2 8" x 10" pictures (as described below)
(3) Blessing Fee of $2,000 or receipt for payment when required.
If you attend a Blessing, bring two copies of everything. One for REGISTRATION purposes and one original to keep as a backup. Do NOT rely on church offices to send a copy to the Blessing. It is not guaranteed that they will arrive where you want them to go.
Check with your District Office to find out if they also require a copy of your documents.
Requirements For Matching And/Or Blessing:
1. Purity Interview with District Director (or designated representative)
Interview & Confession Form (pdf.)
2. Application for Matching (if married, skip to 3.)
Matching Application (pdf.)
3. Application for Blessing
Blessing Application for Matched Couple (coming soon)
Blessing Application for a Married Couple (pdf.)
4. Receipt for Payment of Blessing Fee.
Blessing Donation is $2,000.
Re-Blessing Donation is $500, if you paid $2,000 previously.
Payment Form (pdf.)
5. Graduation from Blessing Workshop
Copy of Certificate of Graduation from approved Blessing Workshop.
6. 2 Photos, 8" x 10".
(1) Head and shoulders, facing straight with forehead visible, hair pulled back.
(2) Full length, head to toe, from straight on.
7. Seven Day Fast
(Note: Always a good condition. Check if it is a requirement for the Blessing you will attend.)
Please complete before the Blessing.
8. Certificate of residence
Passport will suffice.
9. Certification of Age/Birthday
Passport will suffice.
10. Certificate of health examination
AIDS test
(If you have health issues such as diabetes or any disabilities, include a medical statement or written documentation.)
11. Certificate of academic achievement
Photocopy of diploma, last report card, or transcript.
Thank you.
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