The Words of the Stephens Family |
Update on Parents Matching Convocation
Jim and Hiromi Stephens
May 14, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Quick update on the Parents' Matching Convocation coming up in Livermore, California, in just 12 days.
This is for parents only. It will be for guidance on matching your kids yourself or sending them to True Parents match. It will be for meeting lots of other parents and getting some connections to follow up on later for potential matches.
I just posted a list of those that have registered on-line to attend the conference. You can check if any of your friends are going to be there. Click on this link: www.familyfed.org/bfd/PMC/PMC2-List.html
You can see there is one sister looking for a roommate. You could contact her if you are a sister in the same situation.
Others that want a roommate can let me know and I'll put your email address next to your name so someone could contact you.
The total of attendees is now at 45 and you can see that mostly people are from the West Coast. I want to encourage those of you living on the East Coast to make the trip so that you can meet other parents you might not meet in a Convocation on the East Coast. (It can be an "exchange" matching of coast to coast.)
Here is the page to register on-line: www.familyfed.org/bfd/PMC/PMC2-Regis.html
Here is more detailed information: www.familyfed.org/bfd/PMC/PMC2QandA.html
We changed the starting time on Saturday. Registration is still at 8:30, but we're going to start the program at 9:00 am now.
I'm working on the schedule of activities these next couple of days and will have that out by the end of the week hopefully.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Jim and Hiromi