The Words of the Stephens Family |
Parents Matching Convocation LAST CALL
Jim Stephens
May 15, 2008
Hi Everyone,
We're getting close to the deadline for registering for the next Parent's Matching Convocation coming up in 7 days, May 23-25.
The 4-H Conference Center is requiring us to give them the numbers of people that will be eating in the dining room. So please register in the next couple of days at this website: www.familyfed.org/bfd/events/pmcs/pmc5/pmc5-reg.html Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage to register. Even if you live in the DC area, you must register so we can order food for you.
Below is the schedule for the Convocation in case you are interested.
Have a great weekend,
Parents Matching Convocation #5
4-H Youth Conference Center, Chevy Chase, Maryland, May 23-25, 2008
Friday Night
5:00pm Registration Begins. No Friday dinner included in the program. Dinner on your own.
7:30 Orientation. (Aiton Auditorium). Guidelines. CONFIDENTIALITY, Practical Details and Information, Organization, Schedule. Introductions of staff.
8:00 Presentation 1: Getting to Know People Better -- Jim Stephens
Introduction of "Five Love Languages", "Flag Pages", Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator
9:00 Free Time. Refreshments (Minnesota Room). Meet old friends. Matching candidate profiles on display.
10:00 Exhibit Room (Ohio Room) closed for the night
6:00am Hoon Dok Hae -- Aiton Auditorium
6:30 Morning Service -- Jim and Hiromi Stephens. Video of True Parents Blessing, 1960.
7:00 Breakfast (Line is open from 7:00am. Meal tickets required. Breakfast for those staying at 4-H only.)
8:30 Presentation 2: What About Parents Matching? -- Jim Stephens
9:45 Break. Coffee and refreshments.
10:15 Presentation 3: Practical Help: New website for Matching hosted by BFA -- Noah Ross
International Matching Website: Rev. Inguk Seo
11:15 Group Discussions. Gather all together and then organize for Discussion Groups centered on parents who have already matched one of their children.
12:15pm Lunch. (Kellogg Hall) Tickets required. Participants not staying at 4-H get tickets at registration.
2:00 "Getting To Know You"….Speed Meetings with other parents.
Session 1: Prayer for God’s guidance. Tips for Meeting Other Parents, Writing 3 questions,
Short Timed meetings. -- MC: Jim Stephens
3:30 Break. Coffee and refreshments.
4:00 Group Discussions.
5:00 Presentation 4: A Vision for Matching Our Children -- Rev. Phillip Schanker
6:00 Dinner (Kellogg Hall) Tickets required.
7:30 Presentation 5: Panel Discussion by Second Gen. Sharing their Matching Experience
8:30 Prayer and Closing
8:45 Video (Minnesota Room) The Joy of Blessing -- interviews with Second Gen. couples -- 44 min.
11:00 Exhibit Room (Ohio Room) closed for the night.
6:00am Hoon Dok Hae
6:30 Morning Service --
7:00 Breakfast (Line is open from 7:00am. Meal tickets required. Breakfast for those staying at 4-H only.)
8:30 Presentation 6: Older Second Gen Matching Support Ministry -- Mrs. Yasuko Takashashi.
9:30 Break. Coffee and refreshments. (Write questions for Panel Discussion)
10:00 "Getting To Know You….Speed Meetings with other parents. Session 2":
Prayer to ask God’s guidance. Writing 3 questions. Short Timed meetings. -- MC: Jim Stephens
11:30 Presentation 6: Identity of BCs, Who Are Blessed Children -- Rev. Inguk Seo
12:30pm Lunch. (Kellogg Hall) Tickets required. Participants not staying at 4-H get tickets at registration.
2:00 Group Discussions
3:00 Break. Coffee and refreshments.
3:30 Panel Discussion: Rev. Schanker, Jim and Hiromi Stephens, Geros Kunkel, Inguk Seo, Mrs. Takahashi
4:30 Written Reflections
4:45 Closing Ceremony and Prayer. Group Photo.
5:00 Display of Pictures continues for walk-ins from past Convocations.
Please note that the Exhibit Room is reserved ONLY for attendees of the Parents’ Matching Convocation with name badges. Other friends and neighbors are not invited. No Second Generation candidates please.
Alternative Tracks
For Special Needs Children
Sat. 11:15 - 12:15pm Special Needs Ministry National Coordinator: Yoshihiro Ichijo will lead a discussion about matching Second Generation with Special Needs.
For Returning Participants
Sat. 4:00 - 6:00pm Discussion Group for Parents with BC’s Age 22+. Yasuko Takahashi.
Sun. 8:30 - 9:30pm Getting to Know People Better: Jim Stephens, Introduction of Five Love Languages, Flag Pages, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator survey, other tools for understanding children and spouses.
Sun. 11:30 - 12:30pm Special Discussion of Non-standard matching situations, confidential situations, estranged parents, etc. -- Rev. Phillip Schanker, Jim and Hiromi Stephens