The Words of the Suzuki Family |
Tuna Tales -- A fisherman counts his tuna like counting your spiritual children! (Hiroshi Suzuki - October 1983) |
True Parents' Choice for Me (Hana Suzuki - January 2013) |
Demonstrating our Dreams at the Yonent Mame Ibrahima School in Senegal (Benedicte Suzuki - July 2015 pdf) |
Volunteers Needed for Service Project in Keurmassar, Dakar Senegal at end July (Benedicte Suzuki - June 16, 2018 pdf) |
Blessing and Seonghwa Ceremonies: Good Places for Tribal Messiah Witnessing (Hikaru Suzuki - March 2019 pdf) |
WakuWaku Online Seminar - Testimony Cecilie Fortune - May 16, 2020 (Sayaka Suzuki - May 22, 2020 pdf) |