The Words of the Tuma Family |
Final Reflection - 40 Day Jardim Seminar - Wave Number 17
Larry Tuma
May 4, 2000 - June 15, 2000
A permanent connection to God's Heart, His hope, His Love and His anguish was formed during this 40 days. In all my life I have known, and felt, and experienced God's unconditional love for me. Until this seminar, I had never felt God's, Jesus' or True Parent's heart of anguish. I experienced a sense of desperation for our leaders. I want them to know and experience God's Love, His unconditional, non-judgmental Love for them. He loves us even when we make mistakes; it's part of learning, it's part of growth. We can't hesitate to make decisions and follow through with them. Heavenly Father and True Parents need leaders who can unite with each other and be an example of strength and compassion, bringing all family members closer to God.
I came to love and respect the leadership and their heavy responsibilities more than ever before, because I was given a clear vision, and experienced what Heavenly Father calls, 'The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth'.
I don't want to leave! I came to love and appreciate my wife and our Blessing more than before, and from a different perspective. I have a clearer understanding of what my responsibilities are as a True Husband. I need to focus more on being an example of what a True Husband should be. As a Blessed couple, we need to always return to Heavenly Father for our life, our Love and our dreams. Our dreams need to be God's dreams. Never give up, no matter what pain is experienced.
Always live to comfort God's Heart. Learn to receive Heavenly Father's and True Parent's Love, as their children.
A lifeline was created here that will NEVER BE BROKEN!
Thank You Heavenly Father, True Parents and Staff,
Larry Tuma
June 15, 2000