The Words of the Ushiroda Family |
Report on the National Youth Educators Conference: North East Block - "Aligning to God’s Vision for Youth Education"
Naokimi Ushiroda
February 8-10, 2008
University of Bridgeport, CT
Report Outline
Reflections and Feedback
1. Purpose
The main purpose of the National Youth Educators Conference Series is to build consensus on the direction of youth education through aligning to God, True Parents, and True Family’s vision for youth education. Another important purpose of this conference is to learn from each other as youth educators through sharing best practices from each of the local communities.
2. Schedule
President Salonen’s Welcoming Remarks
World Café
Local Best Practices
Presentation and discussion on "My Identity as God’s Child"
Presentation and discussion on "My Identity as a Blessed Child"
Presentation and discussion on "My Identity as an Extended True Family member"
The Educational Framework
Goals of SungHwa USA in 2008
Unified Summer 2008 Schedule and Planning
Introducing Jr. STF
Reflections and Evaluations
3. Participation
By State: Canada 3, CT 7, ME 1, MD 2, NJ 3, NY 19
By Generation: 1st Gen 7, 2nd Gen 28
By Gender: 19 Male, 16 Female
By position: National Leaders and Staff 6, Youth Ministers 7, Youth Ministry Staff 14, Other 8
Total: 35 Attendees
4. Some of the Reflections and Feedback
"Good, insightful and impactful to Youth Ministers about Hyun Jin Nim and our role."
"Rev. Schanker was inspiring in sharing about Hyun Jin Nim, Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim."
"It was eye-opening to hear everyone's different view on issues and topics. I hope to take that knowledge back with me."
"I appreciated his [Kenshu’s] personal testimony and it helped me in my own understanding of identity."
"This [presentation on my Identity as a Blessed Child] definitely clarified so much for me. The details and explanations were excellent.
"This [my identity as an Extended True Family member] is an area I don't hear about or think about very often, so it was refreshing to think more deeply on this point."
"It was nice to see the overall national workshop schedule because in the past local and national workshops always overlapped each other."
"It’s [Jr. STF program] brilliant, so clear and gives youth something to strive for."
"I really like the atmosphere and how everyone could really relate to each other and get to know each other since it was a smaller setting."
"We need to hear more on how the youth can transition from one level of growth to the next. We need to give more time for the speakers to talk and do more Q and A."