The Words of the Vincenz Family |
R. Vincenz (France) gives an address to the conference
Last year we had a small center of four rooms on the outskirts of Paris. Out main instruction was carried out in a hall rented from the Quakers. Therefore our main problem was to find a larger center. We lived with ten members in this small center. However this brought us closer together.
After this the Father led us to an attractive center near the center of Paris. For several weeks all the family worked hard to fix it. Nothing had been done for thirty years. Now registered with our official name we can have official lectures. We have two lectures per week and permission from the police department.
Our major witnessing is with our boards making personal contact. Already we are looking for an even larger center and we must find a hall to accommodate a greater number of people attending our lectures.
Our boards are, such that they fold up and can be carried by one person on the metro, they stand about six feet high. Master urged us to start a student movement but we have been driven out of one institute after another. However with large numbers of students in Paris we try and get them to attend our lectures. The most difficult being the University at Nenterre, the starting point of the 1968 revolution. One day we felt we should not go there and later we found the communists had planned an action to destroy us. Our student group is registered officially and is called the University Movement for Spiritual Revolution. It is successful. -
We have also formed our anti-communist group and as you can see we are extremely active.