The Words of the Vincenz Family |
Dear Mr. [Young Hwi] Kim,
Our hearts were filled with joy and gratitude for the possibility to start the New Year with our True Parents and all brothers and sisters in bringing glory and thanks to our Heavenly Father, celebrating God's Day. At 1:00 a.m. January 1, 1971 the family came together in the festive decorated room of our True Parents for a ceremony. Through hearing our beloved Parents sing and pray we came very close to them and presence of our Heavenly Father was deeply felt. With all our heart we spoke the promise and prayed for a very, very successful God's Year. Next morning, after breakfast we went to the Holy Ground. It had snowed a lot during the night and everything looked so pure and bright. Then we drove to the "Bois de Boulogne", a big big park, for taking a long walk. Right away everybody started a snowball fight, feeling free and happy in Father's creation. Later in the afternoon a delicious meal was shared in the center. With testimonies and discussion about our future work, with new dedication and strength the day ended.
Our family made a 21 day condition for finding together 3 good people for God. Everyday somebody fasted and concentrated in prayer. Everybody took many invitations to work to distribute them in the lunch hour and at night, and speak to 3 people a day. We had to accomplish our goal and really our Heavenly Father helped us to find 3 good young Frenchmen. All three are already very active working with us.
Now we are concentrating very much on finding a big hall, a second center in Paris.
January 8th, Barbara and I went to Vienna, Austria for the mini-conference of national leaders. It was very fruitful meeting closer coming in sharing problems and future plans together. For both of us it was a great joy to see such wonderful, warmhearted family. The mentality of the people in European countries is very different and only in working closer together we will be able to understand, respect, accept and help each other. On January 28th we had a wonderful Korean evening. Mr. Cho Keel Il and Mr. Cho Seong Chang from the Korean Embassy talked to us about Korea and showed us 4 beautiful films of our Homeland. It was a very successful evening for our movement. Both Mr. Cho's were very impressed by our love and dedication for "their" nation and through our simplicity their fear disappeared. In general the Embassy is very careful in taking position against communism. They are afraid of their lives. Mr. Cho Seong Chang from the culture department is now personally interested in our movement and will come to study the Divine Principle.
Saturday we are now going out to suburbs to inform people of our "Tong Il industry France". Everybody takes prospectus and calling cards and goes from door to door and speaks to people on the street, inviting to come to our demonstration at the market place.
Last day of the month on Sunday two men from "France- Inter" came to take an interview concerning our movement and our activities for radio broadcasting. More and more Father's pionniers du Nouvel Age become known in this city.
May the month of February be filled with success for our Heavenly Father! We all like to send our Jove to our True Parents, to you and the whole Family.
In the Name of Our True Parents
Reiner and Barbara Vincenz