The Words of the Walsh Family |
and Mother offer a song at the banquet at East Garden.
The First Korean Professors World Tour and Seminar, sponsored by the International Cultural Foundation (ICF), was held July 11-24, 1987, bringing together a group of 144 professors from major universities throughout Korea for a program that took them to Kodiak, Alaska, Washington DC, and the New York City area. Dr. Se Won Yoon, president of Sung Hwa Theological Seminary in Korea, served as convenor of the seminar, which had as its central theme the responsibility of scholars in the quest for world peace.
The participants were chosen from among professors and scholars associated with PWPA, ICPA, Unification Thought Institute, and IFVOC in Korea. All had some acquaintance with the Principle prior to this trip.
Of particular importance for this group of professors was the current situation in Korea. In their group discussions throughout their two-week stay in the United States, they expressed special enthusiasm about working with the association initiated in Korea by Father on May 15 -- the Citizens' Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland (CFUF). CFUF was established in order to create responsive and scholarly leadership and a popular base for moving Korea toward democratization and unification through such things as the establishment of free elections and the opening of channels of exchange between North and South Korea. CFUF provides an opportunity for scholars to take a significant role in leading the nation into a new era of unity. Unlike associations that may be guided too much by political partisanship or commercial interests alone, CFUF aims to provide a theoretically sound and practical program for effecting a unification based on democratic values and not compromised by North Korean intimidation.
warmly welcomes the Korean professors to Kodiak, Alaska, the first
stop of their trip.
The professors arrived in Kodiak, Alaska, on July 11 and enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. Joo Chan Chai, president of International Seafoods of Alaska (ISA) until July 15. During four days amidst the awesome beauty of Alaska [see box, p. 26], the professors went on several fishing expeditions, personally led by Father, which harvested both halibut and salmon. They were introduced to Father's deep love for the ocean and his understanding of its role and potential for the future of our world. Father explained to them the reasoning behind our movement's investments in the fishing and boat-building industries. His explanation essentially articulated a well-developed Theology of Nature, having particular emphasis on the ocean and humanity's relationship to the ocean.
Father also spoke to them about his vision for CFUF and his ideal for the involvement of scholars. He said he decided to found an association that would be led not by politicians or business leaders but by scholars, who he hopes are not as likely to abandon their commitment to ideals in the way that others have tended to do. Political and business leaders are often distrusted by ordinary citizens, who recognize that many such leaders have had their ideals corrupted by selfish interests. Scholars, on the other hand, are generally respected for their objectivity and their desire to transcend personal prejudices and self-interest in preference for the pursuit of truth and the illumination of human minds. As always, Father emphasized that political and economic solutions to global problems have never been adequate, and that the consciousness and hearts of human beings need to be transformed if true freedom and peace are to be attained.
Arnaud de Borchgrave speaks about his experience as editor-in-chief
of The Washington Times.
On July 15 the professors flew to Washington DC, where the program convened at the Mayflower Hotel.
The theme of the seminar in Washington, moderated by Mr. Neil Salonen, president of ICF, was "The Future of the University:' Presentations were made by Dr. Morton Kaplan, a political science professor at the University of Chicago and publisher of The World and I; Professor Richard Rubenstein, a historian of religion at Florida State University and president of the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy; Professor Nicholas Kittrie, a legal scholar at American University and president of PWPA in the United States; and Professor Frederick Son- tag, professor of philosophy at Pomona College and chairman of the Advisory Council to the Unification Movement International (ACUMI). The speakers contributed to the development of the seminar theme of the responsibility of scholars in today's world, and they each indicated ways in which the various activities sponsored by the Unification movement have contributed to the goal of peace in our world.
Washington DC, Mr. Neil Salonen delivers a talk on the responsibility
of scholars. To his right sits Dr. Se Won Yoon, the seminar convenor.
To the left of his translator sit Dr. Nicholas Kittrie and Dr.
Richard Rubenstein.
On the morning of July 17, the scholars were introduced to the work of CAUSA International and the Washington Times Corporation. Dr. Bo Hi Pak, president of both, concluded the session with an inspirational testimony about the work of the Unification movement in America.
The scholars also visited many famous landmarks in Washington, including the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian Institute. They were royally hosted at numerous banquets during their stay. Their hosts included Rev. Joo Shik Yoon and Revs. Dennis and Doris Orme of the Unification Church of Washington DC.
the facilities of The World and I magazine in Washington DC.
Dr. Bo Hi Pak directed a tour and introduction to the Atlantic Video Company as well as The Washington Times. At a luncheon banquet on the premises of The Washington Times, the guests were treated to presentations by Dr. Pak, Mr. Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor-in-chief, and Mr. Ronald Godwin, senior vice-president. Mr. Dong Moon Joo presented an introduction and tour of The World and I facilities and then hosted an evening banquet and addressed the group.
the World Mission Center, the professors hear a lecture on
Unification Theology by Rev. Kwak.
On July 19 the scholars traveled to New York City, where they were graciously welcomed at the World Mission Center. The program in New York was mainly devoted to a series of lectures on Unification Theology, presented by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, chairman of the board of ICF. Dr. Mose Durst, president of the Unification Church of America, also spoke to the group.
On Tuesday, July 21, the scholars visited the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, where they were addressed by President David S. C. Kim. After a picnic luncheon on the seminary grounds, the professors were driven to Belvedere, where Father shared with them once again. During his talk, Father gave them various regions of responsibility related to the development of CFUF in Korea. Everybody then enjoyed a delightful evening of dinner and entertainment at East Garden -- capped with a song from Father and Mother.
On the evening of July 22 the scholars attended the Broadway play 42nd Street, for a taste of contemporary American culture. The next day a luncheon was hosted by Dr. Eun Woo Kim of the Sae Gae Times newspaper, followed by a trip to the Statue of Liberty. The closing banquet was held at the Tiffany Building on Fifth Avenue, highlighted by entertainment, testimonies from participants, and a slide program giving an overview of Father's life and work.
On July 24 the professors departed for Korea. The two weeks spent in America will no doubt be a source of many warm and encouraging memories for all of them. The time for training, reflection, and inspiration they experienced served to renew their confidence and commitment toward taking an active role in bringing about a viable and peaceful transformation of Korea.
This is the first in a series of seminars for Korean scholars. The second begins August 20, and the third, September 2.
Joo Chan Chai directs the professors on a tour of the Kodiak fish
processing plant.
The vast sea of Alaska! The beautiful natural environment! Experiencing all of this was very fresh and wonderful, but especially inspiring was seeing those young people working diligently at that gigantic factory with the most updated facilities [the fish- processing plant in Kodiak]. Some of them were separated from their spouses but were happily working for a great purpose and preparing to create "true families." What made them leave their parents and siblings and come to Alaska?
They said they had come because of the words of truth taught by Rev. Moon. As I looked out to sea toward the North Pole, I couldn't help thinking about this man named Rev. Moon and his teaching.
New York -- the capital city of the world! I felt in this city that America is becoming ill and the world is becoming ill. I think the solution for those who have turned away from morality and philosophy might be a fresh new thought -- namely, the Principle of Unification. I don't know too much about the Principle, but it seems to me that Rev. Moon is trying to inspire people to become "true" human beings and that this system of thought came to give birth to a great new reality. This thought is not just a single current that will disappear with time; it is already forming a big river -- even an ocean -- and becoming a reality beyond our imagination, forming a world of "newness." I sincerely hope this "newness" will lead to a Nobel Prize for Rev. Moon. I deeply bow my head at the greatness of Rev. Moon, who has gone beyond the limit of human abilities.
I reflect on the idea that Unificationists do not spend their time thinking about how to live but rather about how to give up their life for the sake of something eternal. I extend my thanks to all of you.
I couldn't help but be amazed and full of the deepest respect when I saw the work being done by Rev. Moon in Washington DC and in New York to create a paradise on earth. I was shockingly moved by the fact that Rev. Sun Myung Moon's thought, centering on Christian principles, the heart, and the value of the family, is being realized in concrete ways and that, in fact, an all-out march toward the accomplishment of an earthly paradise is being made.
The banquet at East Garden Manor was an unforgettable honor for me. I was deeply touched by those members who wore Korean costumes and sang Korean songs, which brought a taste of my homeland to me.
I would be glad to see such a unique opportunity given also to high school principals and to high school, college, and graduate students as well.
July 1987 has certainly been an epoch- making month for me. Our full seminar schedule from Alaska to New York gave me a lot to see and hear that won't easily be forgotten. The experiences that unfolded themselves before me went far beyond my imagination. The reality of what I saw was very attractive and compelling to my mind. It may take a while for me to clearly sort out and understand all that I experienced.
It certainly was a great achievement to get over 130 professors -- many well-respected in their universities and some quite old -- to become involved in a tour with such a tight schedule.
I don't think I can adequately talk about a religion that stands firmly upon strong principles of faith without personally having a religious experience in that faith. This may be even more true in the case of the Unification Church. It would be not only reckless but even dangerous for a person to try to analyze the Unification religion without having had an experience of the spirit world.
The dynamic power of Rev. Moon's work, which is rapidly expanding into many fields, surely deserves our praise. To me, all of his projects seem to combine centrifugal and centripetal forces [moving away from and toward the center], as expressed in the Unification Church symbol. I see his work as an energy force that can counteract the, tendency toward narrow-mindedness and stagnancy.
Creating bonds of friendship based on faith is the work of a truly religious people. I earnestly hope that the 20th century is going to be the age of unification and that Rev. Moon's various activities will prosper and even earn him a Nobel Prize.
I thank you for inviting me to this seminar, and I promise that I will participate in working toward Korea's future harmony.
boat comes back with a big halibut. With Father are Hyo Jin Nim (in
bright yellow rain gear) and Jin Whi Nim (in front, in orange rain
Karen Smith From July 11-14, the participants in the first Korean Professors World Tour and Seminar were introduced to the wonders of fishing in the extraordinarily beautiful and exciting wilderness of Alaska in the area of Kodiak Island. The Korean professors, hosted by Mr. Joo Chan Chai and International Seafoods of Alaska (ISA), experienced the adventure of an Alaskan "Ocean Challenge"
The professors' schedule was almost non-stop. After arriving in Anchorage at 12:30 am from Seoul and passing through customs and immigration, they again boarded planes and reached the island of Kodiak by 5:00 am. From there they were taken to the ISA guest house -- North Garden -- where they were warmly greeted by True Parents and outfitted right away with wet- weather gear, fishing licenses, boots, and gloves. By midday, all were headed out to the halibut grounds near Whale Island.
Days are long during the summer months in Alaska, and everybody tried to make the most of their time. The Ocean Church vessels and their captains returned their guests to the docks between 9:00 pm and midnight -- a very long and exciting day out at sea. Needless to say, a memorable experience had been shared by these men. Good food hastened deep, welcome sleep for all.
The remaining four days were full. Every day they went out fishing. Some stayed on land and fished for salmon in the Pasagshak River. Two professors caught halibut weighing over 200 pounds, which warranted them certificates or wall trophies from the state of Alaska.
The final day of fishing ended relatively early, around 8:00 pm. After clean-up and a delicious dinner of seafood delights -- sushi, sashimi, crab, kimchee, and many other tasty dishes -- Father spoke to the professors until midnight. Mr. Chai then gave his testimony, after which the entertainment began. There were traditional Japanese dances, Korean songs accompanied by drum and kaya keum [a Korean stringed instrument], juggling, jokes, and more songs. The entertainment came to an end around 2:30 am, at which time the professors prepared their luggage for the next part of their journey. By 3:30 am, most of them were headed to the airport on their way to Washington DC for the next part of the tour and seminar.
Their tightly-packed schedule will surely be a source of many exciting memories for the professors. Through their time out on the water they could experience something of the power and grandeur of creation, the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness, and the excitement of life out on the ocean. Professor Yoon, the convenor of the seminar, said it had been for many of them a "miracle experience."