The Words of the Withers Family |
Report from Philip Withers one of the 84 mobilized members to Korea
Philip Withers
January 4, 2004
12 Oct
I am in Korea. I have 3min to write this. Just saw Father at Han Man Dong. He is super-human - he never stops
15 Oct
Hi I have to be quick. Spent the afternoon at True Parents house and got back 11:45pm. Father said that we could go away with him and Mother for a little Holiday. Wow!!!!!! Today 7am I will go with TP to the Mountains for 3 days. What a blessing. None of us can take it in. We have been treated like kings.
26 Oct
We had a free day today. I just hung out. We have been non-stop all the time, so I thought I would just take a time out. Went to try to buy granddad a summer jacket but everything is too small.
Spent all day yesterday at Chung Pyung with True Parents. Father had the floor all-day and even cancelled the entertainment. He had many important things to say. He wants to send us to Chay Ju Island for a short time to "shoot bears and do a spot of fishing".
I have no idea what is going on. He said we could come back around the 4th of November, so I think thats about the time I will be back in England. I dont know what going to happen after this entire blessing. I will have to keep my ear to heaven.
28 Oct
Hi. Yesterday we had a long meeting with Father. Many things were said like: "You will stay here for three years and live as three families in a condo." Things are up in the air at the moment. It looks like now we will be here till about 7th of November, then we will be able to go to the USA to get our flights back to the UK.
Yesterday we participated in the inauguration of Regional Peace Council or whatever the thing is called. We are at the moment being used as rent-a-crowed, so when they open a new thing we go. The Jay Ju Island thing seems to have been downsized down perhaps three days now although it might be more. I dont know when we will go.
30 Oct
I think we will be going to Jay Ju Island but not for that long, and yes many people are under the impression that this will be an extended thing. Our Korean leaders seem to think that Father has something up his sleeve, so to speak. I must say I am impressed with many of the members. They really are up for anything. Unconditional spirit. I feel quite judged at times because I must confess that I am not. We have to always have the spirit of unity and obedience to restore what did not happen back in 1954 or whenever that was that we are restoring. My team of 12 is quite nice and I must say we are bonding well. Ashley Crosswaite is also on it. There really is not much for us to do at the moment. So we are waiting for an office on the 12th or were it the 13th floor to be opened and from what I can glean when it is ready we will go there with True Parents and participate in the opening. Ribbon cutting and that kind of thing. Then we will be given our "JOBS" whatever that means. So in between all of that we go to Jay Ju Island.
5 Nov
Yes we got our orders the day before yesterday. We will go to Japan for 2 weeks and help out there. God I do hope we will not be a burden to them.
We got back from Jay Ju a couple of hrs ago and we set of for Japan tomorrow early. We will be going by bus and Ferry Boat. To be frank with you I have no idea when this Odyssey will end, AS I writ this I am in a 24hr Internet Cafe this place is full of kids just out from school and they are all playing games the noises that I hear from these game is just so weird. Anyway at the moment people are franticly packing, and trying to do some washing. We had a fishing day yesterday on a small Island that Father bought and would you believe it Father came and spent time with us it was very wonderful and very personal. He was so kind and gentle like our Grandfather. Pres Hwang of the Korean Church has said a few Times that he has never seen Father take such interest over one group. I do not know how true that is but he said Father wants to know every day about our movements. Last night and this morning we had time with Father singing Dancing yes dancing at 6:30 in the Morning, Only the Messiah can do that. All the nations had to sing and then dance at 6:30 in the morning. The atmosphere was really heaven. The general felling is that Father is giving very much so much is expected of us. We will be doing TV work in Japan and then coming back and doing it again in Korea.
9 Nov
I am now in Japan. We were met by 100s of members at the port with flags and cheers. There was a very formal greeting ceremony and a very lunch. We were then split up and I have been sent with the team to Tokyo. Yesterday we had a free day and 2hrs in a very nice spar. Today we went to the local churches we split up into 9 smaller teams and gave our testimonies.
10 Nov
Just got back from our 1st day in TKY. The #3 teams mission is to work with the Korean people here in JP. There are two groups. One united with the south K and the other that is closer to North K. F said that before the N and S Korea can be united these two groups must be united. Japan is Mother N&S groups in the Mothers womb. Perez and his brother fighting in the womb of their Mother this kind of symbolism Father spoke about. Father said that the unity of the 2 groups is most important.
Whilst we were in Jay Ju Island with Father we had Hoon Dok Hae at 8pm reading of letters from Heung Jin Nim. Father was so serious that we read these and understand them and take them seriously and believe them absolutely. If we are to believe them absolutely then some really incredible things are going on.
13 Nov
I am still in the main training centre and working with the 2 Korean groups. It seems that both the groups originated from the south of Korea when Japan needed labour they took as many as they wanted and treated them like slaves. The reason that there is a group that supports the North is that N/Korea has spent millions and millions in starting schools and cultural things. So they are very connected to the north not because they come from the north. We had 4 appointments today one with a Director of one of the Mindon groups he was interested and another with a professor who could not come to the inauguration event on the 20th Nov but was very positive, He even brought us out to lunch in a Sushi Bar with one of those conveyer belt things that was nice and very Japanese. Every person who comes in is greeted all at once by the staff and the chefs shout out their greeting. Today I met a very nice politician, it made the day successful.
It is 8am on Friday and most of the members have gone out. They will be going to visit the North and South Korean based schools. My team however, will visit the North and South Korean Mindun (S) and Sorjun (N) HQ. Then if all goes well I will meet Rev Shin and we will go and meet up with Rev and Mrs Sato and I think some of the Missionaries to Eritrea for supper. Did I tell you that that the Satos and the lady Japanese sister who is always there in Asmara paid us a visit a few days ago. Well they had some pretty good news about what they are doing. Still even though there is nobody there but this sister who speaks no English and very Little Tagrean. They are small things but all the same things are going forward all the time I was quite inspired. I gave her a 5 pack of Ginseng that was given to me in Ham Nang Dong. She was very happy with that. It was 5 of the little black bottles that everybody who takes Ginseng has.
14 Nov
It is Friday night at 9:30pm just got back from having supper with Mr & Mrs Sato and two sisters from the Missionaries of Eritrea and Mr Shin plus a son from one of the sisters who speaks Korean Japanese and some English. The meeting went quite well and the food was good, Many greeting from them all. Also the Sato's said that they would like to send their daughter to stay with you for the summer so she could learn English. I said of course P. would be very happy to do that. Dont worry dear we can work it out as the time nears. Anyway today we met with some very high-level people from the two groups it was quite a successful day. Our leader Rev Oh said he was very happy with the way things turned out.
17 Nov
Yes I dont think there is a problem with that I dont know though what you have there besides my moaning and groaning, anyway today has been very good we visited 5 Embassies with a very positive result. We were doing this all day. I am a little apprehensive because every thing went so smoothly.
18 Nov
We visited 8 Embassies plus we were able to meet two Ambassadors one from Papaw new Guinea and the other was the Ambassador of Holland both were very kind and welcoming. The Am from P N Guinea was a sweet and generous spirited man and the Am from Holland had this droll and dry humour he made us all feel so relaxed. We were able to also see the Secretaries of the other 6 Ambassadors all without appointments.
20 Nov
Hi There just a quick note.
We had a very successful inauguration of the IIPC today and I am the first one out of the door of the Victory Banquet. So I grab the chance to say hi. Oh yes one of the Gifts we got was a Top of the Line cutting edge Digital camera a Cannon. We start back to Korea tomorrow we will fly to Fukuka and then get the ferry to Korea Pusan. The Japanese Members palled out all the stops to make us feel at home.
Best wishes From Philip
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