The Words of the Yakawich Family |
The Daughter Of True Parents Harvests Great Love In Montana
Mike Yakawich
May 25, 2007
Billings, Montana
On Friday, May 25th, 2007, Mrs. Yeon Ah Choi Moon blessed our state of Montana with an amazing amount of God’s Love. Over 120 people came out to welcome a daughter of True Parents at the local Family Church in Billings.
The state of Montana came out with flying colors to welcome her to Billings. Friends and family traveled as far away as 8 hours to be with her. One home church couple drove 5 hours away that day to celebrate the time with her.
Home church members, friends and guests from all over the community gathered for an evening of fried chicken, baked beans and wheat rolls. They were entertained with young performers on their trumpet, guitar and piano. A dance troupe from the community performed Okinawa dances as later a guitarist continued to prepare a wonderful heavenly atmosphere.
As the air was charged with electricity, the people were charged with the love of the Holy Spirit. Church dignitaries from the community attended. Some send letters of welcome from the past Mayor of Billings, US House of Rep and the Chair of the Montana-Wyoming Council Leaders. We were especially touched by the US Senator Max Baucus field representative asked to offer words of welcome. He inspired the audience by his sincere respect for the local church and all the work that the members have done for the community.
Home church members overwhelming volunteered for the day with driving to security responsibilities. Others baked home made cookies and offer help in serving the meals. It was so wonderful to see the grassroots of our neighborhood poured out to receiver the words of wisdom and guidance of our True Parents.
Rev. Krishnek, the District Director, and Rev. Kim did an excellent job in guiding and advising our program. Elder Paul DiLorenzo did an exceptional job as MC task in helping make evening run so smoothly. Elder Chad Martin did a superb job in all the AV needs of the event. Mr. MacMurdie, Mr. Thiessen and so many others worked behind the scenes to make it a great success.
The entire staff traveling with Mrs. Moon was excellent. The AV people who traveled with the group provided critical support and Guidance. Moms from our church community were outstanding in serving the meals and hosting all the guests who attended.
The local Family Church went all out to prepare for the special program. All the members were excited. The second generation invested as well in cleaning and preparing Gods home for this occasion.
There were many tears throughout the program. Mrs. Yeon Ah Nim Moon was given several rounds of applause during the program. She spoke very eloquently. All were amazed by her sincerity and compassion. Several ladies who had welcomed her earlier in the day were of great support when she spoke. In short, the atmosphere was blessed with God’s love.
Eight LDS missionaries blessed us with their attendance. Rev. James Laramee gave an inspiring talk on the value of ACLC and his work with this group in Billings over the years including our drug conferences, prayer breakfasts and annual March against drugs and violence. A beautiful painting was presented by a local artist of the Empire Builder railroad train presented by three community ladies.
As we came to the conclusion of the event, we realized that all those who came stayed for the entire program. We could all gather up front for a very large group photo. Later, all were so pleased and deeply touched by the love of God for Mrs. Yeon Ah Nim Moon’s time as she visited with every guest there taking pictures and touching lives. Indeed, the daughter of True Parents heart harvests great love here in Montana.
Our Guests replied:
"I was so impressed by the unity of such a diverse group of people. She did such a great job and gave so much of herself to create such a nice atmosphere."
Iman Adam Mallach
Islamic Leader
"It was awesome, great, and spiritual. I usually go to all of Pastor Mike’s events but this was even more special and unique."
Deacon Ray Walker
All Nations Christian Fellowship Church
"Mrs. Yeon Ah Nim Moon was funny, exciting and so interesting."
Mrs. Pattie Laramee
Counselor and therapist for holistic medicine
"I was very touched by her willingness to travel to Montana and offer us her speech. The message I got out was that of creating one True Family and to put a great responsibility on women to accomplish this task. All in all, I was a very inspiring speech and I hope she come back again to Montana."
Barbara Johnson
Home church member
"We are so blessed by such a young lady who loves God and cares so much for humanity."
Rev. Eric Friedrichson
Episcopal minister