The Words of the Yakawich Family |
On God's Day Eve, while others in Montana celebrated the upcoming New Year by getting drunk, Montana Unificationists joined in fellowship with the All Nations Church [a Protestant denomination related to the African Methodist Episcopal Church] in Billings to hold a joyful and deeply spiritual welcoming of the New Year. The All Nations Church facility was packed.
Rev. Melvin Terry, pastor of the All Nations Church, welcomed everyone in his gracious and embracing manner. As a guest speaker, Unificationist Chad Martin, an elder of the Montana Family Church, gave a brief testimony of his experiences with God as a public school teacher. As a second guest speaker, Unificationist Clint Woods, also an elder of Montana Family Church, introduced the Ambassadors for Peace program, which embodies the vision of world peace outlined by Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Universal Peace Federation.
In the spirit of uniting with the Unificationist mottos of years 2007 and 2008, Pastor Mike Yakawich of the Montana Family Church shared how "desperate and determined" he was that his congregation achieve a Jubilee year as described in Leviticus and understood among Christians: "Jubilee is intended to be a time of breakthrough and great hope -- a time of healing of families within and without our church."
In a special segment of the service, Reverend Terry gave his blessings to Mike Trusilo, a Unificationist from Edmonton, Canada, to achieve great success as a minister in his area.
It is notable that the Family Church of Peace flag hangs on the wall behind the podium and Ambassador-for-Peace plaques are on the side walls of this church, representing its love for the Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon.
Five members of All Nations Church attended the 43rd True God's Day pledge service at the Montana Family Church the next morning.
The recital of the Family Pledge was led by Elder Woods. Elder Martin's couple offered the report (representative) prayer, and Pastor Yakawich gave a short talk and handed out Rev. Larry Krishnek's gifts of Holy Wine and Holy Salt. Ian MacMurdie and Koree MacMurdie, Unificationist sons of Keith and Maria MacMurdie, led everyone in three cheers of "Eogmansei."
At noon, Reverend Terry, his wife Michelle and friends and family of Billings Unificationists filled the church hall to celebrate True God's Day as a community. Starting with a Holy Wine Blessing for all families, the celebration was packed with delicious food, music, a magic show, a piñata (thanks to Elder Martin), some mild fireworks, and door prizes (which included coffee cups, calendars, picture frames, modern novels, and cell phone containers). Paul and Kimiko DiLorenzo, a local Blessed Central Family, were in charge of door prizes.
During the celebration, organizers of the Billings Winter Charge 2010 workshop handed out certificates and gifts to workshop participants.
Contributed by Pastor Mike Yakawich of the Montana Family Church