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New Procedure To Offer Donations For Special Grace Events
Chang Shik Yang
January 11, 2007
Brothers and Sisters:
This memo (below) explains the new process for members to send their donations to Chung Pyung.
PLEASE IGNORE THE PREVIOUS INSTRUCTIONS for handling donations for Chung Pyung. The legal and finance departments are very clear that HSA-UWC cannot process any money for Chung Pyung, nor even write receipts for such donations.
I hope everyone can take time to carefully read this new information. Please write if you have questions. This new process will not be easy for some members.
If any district would like to have a conference call to go over questions, let me know and we can set one up.
Margaret Herbers
Official USA Hq Memo: New Procedure To Offer Donations For Special Grace Events
To: District Directors and all Blessed Central Families
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Dr. Michael Jenkins
Date: January 11, 2007
In light of regulations concerning international transfer of funds, members need to offer their donations to Chung Pyung as follows. (Please disregard previous instructions for giving donations.)
Donations which go to Chung Pyung:
Gratitude Donation of $120 per person
Ancestor liberation
Ancestor blessing
Other ceremonies listed on the Chung Pyung forms
Two methods can be used:
1. Send a bank wire to Korea and provide a copy of the bank wire receipt when event forms are turned in to the district office. Note: Your bank will charge a fee for sending the wire. Make sure the bank does not deduct this from the amount you send to Korea. Also add $15 to the wire amount for the processing fee charged by the bank in Korea.
2. Obtain a certified check or international money order (NOT a postal money order), which you will mail Chung Pyung after making a copy to submit with event forms. Be sure to add the $8 or $10 check processing fee to the certified check or international money order.
From now on members cannot use personal checks or cash for these donations.
1. Have your forms and donation amounts reviewed by district staff to ensure the donation amounts are correct.
2. Send the bank wire(s) or obtain the certified check, or international money order.
(The bank wire for gratitude donation of $120 per person must be sent to a different bank account than other donations. If several families would like to combine gratitude donations to save on bank wire fees, be sure to provide a separate report for each family! Each family also should send a copy of the bank wire receipt with their 1-A and other event form. However, we dont recommend several families sending ancestor donations together.)
3. Make a copy of the bank wire receipt(s) (or the certified check or international money order). One copy should be submitted with all your forms to your district office. Keep the other copy in your personal records. Mail the check or money order.
4. After sending the wire(s) or mailing the check or money order, fill out the report 2-A (and 2-B if appropriate) and fax it to Chung Pyung along with your bank wire receipt(s) (or the copy of your international money order or certified check). We have attached two report forms E2-A for the gratitude donation, and 2-B for all other donations to Chung Pyung. These documents contain all information needed to send the bank wire(s) or to mail funds to Chung Pyung.
5. Send these things to your district headquarters:
1) a copy of the report(s) 2-A and 2-B, plus
2) copy of the wire receipt (or copy of international money order or certified check)
3) the 1-A workshop registration, 1-B, 1-C (ancestor liberation/blessing), and form for any other ceremony you will participate in at the event.
4) workshop fee
Donations to Chung Pyung are not tax deductible.
Workshop Fee:
The workshop fee is $150 per family, $75 for an individual.
These funds are used to cover the cost of each event. This fee can be paid by personal check, credit card or cash. (Checks made out to HSA-UWC.) This fee is tax deductible.
Proof of payment:
Each district is receiving wrist bands to give members as proof of payment of their workshop fee and payment of gratitude donation to Chung Pyung. (These donations are required for attendance at the workshop.)
Each person should wear this wrist band when they attend the event. The wrist band is the admission ticket. There will not be event registration at the four cities.
Bank wire information and Chung Pyung address:
Below is the information for sending bank wires to Korea and for mailing donations to Chung Pyung.
Sending a Bank Wire for Gratitude Donation ($120/person)
Name of Bank Woori Bank 240158
Location Kwanghwamun Branch in Seoul
Name of Holder HSA-UWC-CSC
Bank Address I-203 Hoehyon Dong, Chung-gu, CPO Box 126, Seoul, South Korea
Account # 1081-900-296144
Sending a Bank Wire for Ancestor Liberation, Blessing, etc.
Name of Bank Woori Bank 240158
Location Kwanghwamun Branch in Seoul
Name of Holder HSA-UWC-CSC
Bank Address I-203 Hoehyon Dong, Chung-gu, CPO Box 126, Seoul, South Korea
Account # 015-029661-41-001
Chung Pyung fax: 011-82-31-585-0886
Mailing address:
Ms. Sachika Hayashi
International Records Office
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center
432-1, Songsan-ri, Sorak-myeon, GaPyung-gun,
South Korea 477-855
Each district has assigned staff to assist members with this process. We encourage everyone to submit their information as soon as possible. The deadline for the districts to send their members E-forms to national headquarters is January 31st.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director - FFWPU
United States of America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins
President - FFWPU
Unites States of America
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