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Instructions Concerning The Invitation To Children Of Ambassadors For Peace To Participate In The Matching And Blessing
Chang Shik Yang
January 22, 2007
To: District Directors
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: January 22, 2007
RE: Instructions concerning the invitation to children of Ambassadors for Peace to participate in the matching and Blessing
In accordance with the ideal of building world peace through families of true love, the Universal Peace Federation is supporting and promoting the blessing of marriage. True Parents have now renewed their request that we ask Ambassadors for Peace to invite their children to consider participating in the "exchange marriage" matching and blessing. This is a universal blessing that represents all faith traditions. It is not a ceremony of one religion or faith. Muslims, Christians, Jews and all faith traditions will be participating.
Children of Ambassadors for Peace: Please work with the UPF USA coordinators to contact Ambassadors for Peace and let them know that Father Moon is offering to match and bless their children (the UPF USA Secretariat is preparing a special message for this purpose.)
We request that if possible 2 candidates be secured from each District. The matching is February 3rd and the Blessing is February 22nd. Picture matching is possible.
Second Generation:
Second Generation may attend the matching conducted by True Parents. Also Second Generation who were previously matched by their parents may attend.
Please refer to the summary below from the Korea HQ memo concerning registration and basic requirements.
Thank you for your unchanging heart to bring the blessing to all humanity.
Additional Information on Matching and Blessing:
Date of the Matching: February 3, 2007
Date of the Blessing Ceremony – February 22, 2007
a. For the matching: children of Ambassadors for Peace, and 2nd Generation members of blessed families.
b. For the Blessing, those who are matched on February 3rd, and all those who were already matched.
Matching Method: In person by True Parents, and by photograph
Requirements for Children of Ambassadors for Peace:
As these candidates will be participating in an "exchange blessing", it is important that they receive basic education about the significance of and standards for the blessing. They should also have a firm conviction that Father Moon's Blessing ministry is inspired of and guided by God. Candidates in this category must be at least 20 years old, and no older than 40.
Detailed qualifications and instructions for preparation will be available soon, and can be reviewed with those who are interested in applying for the matching.
Requirements for 2nd Generation Members:
a. Candidates to be matched by True Parents must be at least 17 years old.
b. Candidates who are already matched by their own parents can participate in the Blessing.
c. Standard matching requirements (DP education, fasting condition, etc.) will also apply.
Specific instructions and forms will be sent to each District HQ by the Blessed Family Department by Monday, January 22nd. The deadline for all applications and documents to be received by the Korea HQ is January 27, 2007.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director - FFWPU
United States of America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins
President - FFWPU
Unites States of America
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