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Launching the National 7-Day Permanent Ongoing Workshop for the US
Chang Shik Yang
March 12, 2007
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification North American Headquarters
3224 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010
Tel: (202) 319-3200 / Fax: (202) 319-3200 / E-mail: admin@familyfed.org
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director - Rev. Michael Jenkins, President
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
DATE: March 12, 2007
RE: Launching the National 7 Day Permanent Ongoing Workshop for the U.S. This effort has been developed and organized by the National Director of Education and Witnessing: Rev. Dong Woo Kim
We sincerely request all districts to prepare at least three members and or guests representative for this training and new beginning for America. We are making a firm and unwavering commitment that there will be an ongoing high quality 7-day workshop on Life of Faith and Divine Principle Understanding for potential new members. Here are the details. Every district should send 3 or more members and or guests.
Note: The first National 7-day at UTS will be March 26 - April 1, The Second National 7-Day will be April 23-29. From then on there will be continuous 7-day workshops for America. This is according to True Parent's directions.
National 7-Day DP Workshop Plan
1. Purpose:
1) To support local church to accelerate witnessing activities.
2) To create blessing candidates.
3) To encourage HDFC activities.
2. Location: UTS
3. Dates: March 26- April 1(I) & April 23- 29, 2007(II)
4. Registration Fee: $260.00
5. Registration Time: March 26, 2007. 2:00pm- 4:00pm
6. Basic Daily Schedule for Guests:
6:00 am Wake-up
7:00 Prayer Meeting/Internal Guidance (IG)
7:30 Public Cleaning
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 10:15 Session #1
15 min Break
10:30 – 11:45 Session #2
45 min Discussion, Q&A by Teams
12:30 pm Lunch & personal time (one on one meetings between staff and guests)
2:30- 4:00 Group Sport or Service or Special Project Activity
4:00 – 5:15 Session #3
15 min break
5:30 – 6:45 Session #4
6:45 – 8:00 Dinner by Team (discussion and review of the day and preparation for evening activity)
8:00 – 9:30 Group Activity (testimonies, Q&A, movies, games)
9:30 – 10:00 Reflection and Closing of the Day
7. Day 1:
Participants arrive
Welcome, Explanation of goals, content, rules, schedule, etc.
Session #1: Introduction to the DP
Creation of Teams, Team meetings with personal introductions,
Write goals and initial reflections
Session #2 Principle of Creation I
8. Day 2:
Session #3: Principle of Creation II
Session #4: Principle of Creation III
Session #5: Fall of Man I
Session #6: Fall of Man II
9. Day 3:
Session #7: Last Days
Session #8: Purpose of the Messiah I
Session #9: Purpose of the Messiah II
Session #10: Resurrection
10. Day 4:
Session #11: Predestination/Christology
Session #12: Introduction to Restoration
Session #13: Adam’s Family
Session #14: Noah and Abraham’s Family
11. Day 5:
Session #15: Moses’ Course I
Session #16: Moses’ Course II
Session #17: Jesus’ Course
Session #18: Parallels of History
12. Day 6:
Session #19: Last 400 Years/World Wars and Current History
Session #20: Second Coming Session #21: Life and Work of Rev Moon I
Session #22: Life and Work of Rev Moon II
13. Day 7:
IG: My Personal Course of Restoration
Session #23: Blessing
Session #24: Action Step: What It Means to be a Member
Final Reflection
14. Contact: Rev. Dong Woo Kim.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins
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