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Upcoming Second Generation Blessing Workshops
Chang Shik Yang
March 16, 2007
TO: District Directors, All FFWPU Leaders, BFD Representatives, and All Blessed Central Families
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Rev. Michael Jenkins
DATE: March 16, 2006
RE: Upcoming Second Generation Blessing Workshops March 31-April 1 (Miami, Florida); April 27-29 (Portland, Oregon)
Dear Blessed Families,
We expect that True Parents may match and bless the second generation in July during the World Culture and Sports Festival. In addition, there are many who have been matched by their parents, and would like to participate in the next Blessing ceremony in July.
Second Generation youth who intend to participate in the Blessing ceremony are required to have completed a Blessing Workshop no more than 2 years prior to their Blessing.
Therefore, we are happy to announce two 2nd Generation Blessing Workshops in the Pacific North West and Miami, FL for Blessing candidates, those who have been matched by their parents and any Blessed Child 17 years of age or older who wishes to participate. We would like to invite parents as well to attend the whole workshop with their children.
The first workshop will be held in Miami, FL from March 31-April 1 and the second workshop will be held in Portland, OR from April 27-29, 2007 and we plan to hold another blessing workshop on the East Coast in June prior to the next blessing. The details are as follows:
A. Workshop Places and Times
Miami Family Church, Florida (Address: 11990 SW 94th Avenue, Miami, Florida)
DATES- Saturday, March 31st to Sunday, April 1st.
SCHEDULE- Workshop will begin Saturday at 8AM and end on Sun. at approx. 8:00pm.
Transportation- Airport is Miami Airport or Fort Lauderdale Airport and those who need transportation from the airport, please contact Mr. Tomio Miyazaki.
Accommodation options: Some can stay at the church while most will stay in homes.
Portland Family Church, Oregon (Address: 2620 Hughes Dr. West Linn, OR, 97068)
DATES- Friday, April 27th to Sunday, April 29th.
SCHEDULE- Workshop will begin Friday at 6 PM and end on Sun. at approx. 3:00pm.
Transportation- Airport is Portland International Airport and those who need transportation from the airport, please contact Mrs. Jane Bowman.
Ground Transport from Airport:
As you exit airport follow signs to HWY 205 South. Take 205 South about 16 miles to Exit 8, West Linn/Lake Oswego. Take Exit 8, turning right onto Route 43, Willamette Dr. Go about 1.4 miles. Church is on the right, on the corner of Hughes and Willamette. You cannot turn right on Hughes, so go one block further to Dillow, turn right on Dillow. Take first right on Lowry, then first right on Hughes. Church parking lot is on the left. From Seattle - take HWY I-5 South to Exit 7 vicinity; take 205 South exit. Follow directions above.
From Montana/Idaho:
Take HWY 84 almost into Portland, take left fork where HWY divides onto 205 South. Then follow above directions. From Southern Oregon: Take HWY I-5 North, take exit to HWY 205 North. Go to Exit 8. Turn left off ramp onto Route 43, Willamette Dr, going north. Follow above directions. · Accommodation options: a. sleeping bags on floor at church. (Sleep-over party will be chaperoned.) b. hotels available in the vicinity. (Participants need to pay own hotel expenses) c. home stays may be available on request.
B. Who can attend: 2nd Generation blessing candidates, those who have been matched by their parents or any second generation 17 years and older is invited to attend, and their parents are invited as well.
C. Workshop fee:
Miami: $100 per second generation, $50 per parent.
Portland: $50 per person. Fee includes food & accommodations. Pay by cash, check, or money order upon arrival. Make checks to "HSA-UWC".
D. What to prepare- Clothes and toiletries, pen and notebook and sleeping bags.
E. Workshop Registration- All participants MUST register IN ADVANCE. Register online at www.familyfed.org/bfd/2G-BLWS-Regis.htm
F. Program and Presenters- main presenter will be Rev. Phillip Schanker, VP for Education of the FFWPU, with testimonies from elder 2nd Generation couples, some special guest presenters, and lots of time for recreation, discussion and fellowship as well.
G. For further information contact:
Mr. Tomio Miyazaki
Mrs. Jane Bowman
Rev. Inguk Seo, Director of 2nd Generation Blessing
Most sincerely,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
Rev. Michael Jenkins
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