The Words of the Yang Family |
True Mother and True Family Peace Tour of 50 States - Two Day Workshops - Support for Women's Federation Schools of Africa Project
Chang Shik Yang
April 28, 2007
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification North American Headquarters
3224 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010
Tel: (202) 319-3200 / Fax: (202) 319-3200 / E-mail: admin@familyfed.org
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director - Rev. Michael Jenkins, President
To: All FFWPU leaders and members and leaders of related organizations
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: April 28, 2007
Re: True Mother and True Family Peace Tour of 50 States - Two Day Workshops - Support for Women's Federation Schools of Africa Project
We sincerely thank all of our Blessed Central Families for the development that has occurred in the last few months. Your support and sincere devotion is changing America. Also, America was recognized recently for the very high turnout and participation in the grace ceremonies - this is a major new beginning for our nation. Soon True Parents will return to America. This is a wonderful time in God's providence. Father will speak at the Washington Times 25th Anniversary and True Mother, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon and his wife Jun Sook Nim and Hyo Jin Nim's wife Yun Ah Nim will travel to all 50 states bringing the message of peace. (True Mother will go to 12 cities.)
50 State Speaking Tour
The speaking tour will be to all 50 states with True Mother and Hyun Jin Nim going to 12 major cities (District Headquarters) and Yun Ah Nim and Jun Sook Nim going concurrently to 19 cities each. In effect this means that we will have three speaking tours traveling simultaneously. The tour schedule will begin on May 21st with True Mother's event in New York and will continue through June 8 th. The schedule of cities is listed below.
True Father is now completing a 24-city speaking tour in Korea and then True Mother and Hyun Jin Nim will go to 12 cities in Japan. From there they will come to America for the special events connected with the Washington Times 25th anniversary.
The message for this tour is one of great hope for America in this very trying time in history. It highlights the theme that God chose America as the Second Israel, and by responding to God's call, America can overcome all trials and lead the world to peace. It is deeply moving that True Father is asking True Mother and the True Family represented by Jun Sook Nim and Yun Ah Nim to bring this message of love to America from a mother's heart - promoting harmony, hope and healing at this time of great turmoil and uncertainty. The need for this message and spirit has been painfully demonstrated by the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech.
We are asking all ACLC clergy and leaders, Ambassadors for Peace, Women's Federation for World Peace leaders and especially the 120 religious leaders who brought the Peace Message to the world to help "organize" the events across America - bringing the "best" people that God has prepared to launch a new movement for peace, rooted in a mother's heart and with the leadership of women.
The Tour Message:
True Parents' message is entitled: "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will -The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World". This is a very historic message that identifies America's central role in the providence of God as the 2nd Israel, and explains the conditions that it must fulfill in this historic mission as the Elder Son Nation. This same content was delivered by True Father first in Hawaii on March 17, then on April 17th at True Parent's Day, and will also be shared at the time of Washington Times 25th Anniversary on May 17th.
Sponsors of Tour:
The Universal Peace Federation is the main sponsor. FFWPU, AFC, ACLC, WFWP, YFWP, World CARP, and STF are key cosponsors.
Venues and Goals:
Hotels or convention centers are the preferred venues for True Mother's 12-city tour (large ACLC churches may be an option, but must be approved by HQ). For the 38 other cities, ACLC churches or a banquet are preferred. The goal for the large events is 2,000; the goal for the 38 other cities is 200 or more.
All members are asked to make an extra effort to support this tour - we have done so many excellent tours. However we haven't had a 50-state tour by True Family since 2001. This requires much greater sacrifice then a regular tour of 12 cities. Please offer your sincere devotion and dedication. The donation we ask of each family is a minimum of $600 to be given to your District headquarters to cover all the costs for all the states in your district. Districts may ask more of their families if that is what is required. NY, Washington, NJ and San Francisco are asked to support other states outside of their districts with financial support as well as manpower.
Outreach efforts:
1) Ambassadors for Peace - The Universal Peace Federation USA representatives will request that all key Ambassadors for Peace join your local invitational committee, make a special effort to bring all Ambassadors for Peace, and secure new candidates for AFP appointment at each event. UPF USA is asking that each state prepare for a significant number of new appointments of Ambassadors for Peace.
2) ACLC - ACLC will play a major role in this effort, and can also benefit greatly because tour events in 38 state events will be mostly in churches. All ACLC leaders should be directly responsible for the outreach efforts to clergy, inviting them to attend and also to bring their key leaders and colleagues.
3) 120 religious leaders from World Peace Tour IV - the religious leaders who went on the World Tour in the Fall of 2006 should be considered for advance team outreach efforts.
4) WFWP - Women leaders should be invited (WFWP invitation will be available soon).
5) STF - National HQ's is requesting that all STF teams give support, especially in states that need help.
6) Establish volunteer phone banks to make sure everyone in your networks and contact base receives the "blessing" of being invited.
Support from NY, NJ, Washington and San Francisco -
Though each District is totally responsible for the states in their district, as was the case with the 2001 50-state tour, we are calling upon all of America to support the states that have a small base of families. We are asking for volunteers who can commit to 10 days of preparation work in a smaller state later on the schedule. In particular we ask that New York, Washington and San Francisco each recruit 21 volunteers for this effort, since those districts are responsible for only one or two events. NJ should send 10 volunteers to special states that need help.
Sunday Church Visitation:
Please make a special effort to organize a major outreach this coming Sunday. April 29th, especially that all ACLC churches are invited to this wonderful opportunity. Please organize a clear effort for each Sunday and other days until the tour. Large cities - please seek to have 40 or more volunteers for church outreach on this coming Sunday and every subsequent Sunday and from this week on. (Also during the week please send the outreach team for Bible studies and other programs at ACLC churches during the week.)
Schedule of the Tour: Monday, May 21st through Friday, June 8th, 2007
Tours by True Mother, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Jun Sook Nim and Yun Ah Nim
Date |
True Mother / Hyun Jin Nim |
Jun Sook Nim |
Yun Ah Nim |
Monday, May 21 |
2 - New York |
12 -- Hawaii |
10 - Alaska, Anchorage |
Tuesday, May 22 |
3 - New Jersey |
12 -- Arizona, Phoenix |
10 - Oregon, Portland |
Wed., May 23 |
4 - Boston |
11 -- Nevada, Las Vegas |
9 - Utah, Salt Lake City |
Thursday, May 24 |
1 - Washington, DC/ VA |
9 -- NM, Albuquerque |
10 - Idaho, Boise |
Friday, May 25 |
5 - Miami |
9 -- Colorado, Denver |
10 - Montana, Billings |
Saturday, May 26 |
9 - Dallas |
8 - Kansas, Kansas City |
9 - Wyoming, Laramie |
Sunday, May 27 |
6 - Columbus, OH |
8 -- Nebraska, Omaha |
6 - Tennessee, Memphis |
Monday, May 28 |
7 - Chicago |
8 -- Iowa |
9 - Oklahoma |
Tuesday, May 29 |
8 - Minneapolis |
6 -- Indiana, Indianapolis |
9 - Arkansas, Little Rock |
Wed., May 30 |
10 - Seattle |
8 - Missouri, St. Louis |
5 - Mississippi |
Thursday, May 31 |
11- San Francisco |
8 -- North Dakota, Fargo |
5 - Louisiana |
Friday, June 01 |
12 -Los Angeles |
8 -- South Dakota |
5 - Alabama, Mobile |
Saturday, June 02 |
7 -- Michigan, Detroit |
6 - Kentucky, Louisville |
Sunday, June 03 |
1 -- Maryland, Baltimore |
7 - Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
Monday, June 04 |
4 -- Rhode Island |
5 - Georgia, Atlanta |
Tuesday, June 05 |
4 -- Maine |
5 - South Carolina |
Wed., June 06 |
4 -- New Hampshire |
6 - North Carolina |
Thursday, June 07 |
4 -- Vermont |
6 - W. Virginia |
Friday, June 08 |
4 -- Connecticut, Bridgeport |
3 - Penn., Delaware |
Special meeting of all key leaders of all U.S. organizations related with the FFWPU (including key business leaders from NY);
We request that all major leaders of all organizations in NY, NJ, Connecticut (and by special invitation some key leaders of educational organizations in Washington D.C .) related to our True Parents work in America attend a special planning meeting on May 1st at 10 am at the New Yorker Hotel. The meeting will run from 10 am - 12 pm. There will be a briefing on basic plans for the tour and an opportunity to come together to help in the fulfillment of the Elder Son Nations role with this historic tour.
ACLC National Executive Committee meeting to prepare for the tour:
Tuesday, May 1st from lunch at 12 noon until breakfast on May 2nd. ACLC HQ's will organize this at the New Yorker Hotel. Key ministers from ACLC are invited to attend. All Co-Chairman of ACLC on the district level are also welcome. ACLC HQ will cover the airfare, meals and accommodations for the 12 National Executive Committee members.
Prayer Condition:
From Tuesday, May 1st we will begin a nationwide prayer and fasting condition to prepare for the victory of this tour. Fasting and prayer will be organized by District. We ask that each family over special devotion at this time to pray for the following:
1. The blessing and victory of our True Parents and True Family on the Special American tour for Peace.
2. The unity of all leaders from every organization to fulfill our responsibility before True Parents and True Family at this time.
3. That all Blessed Families, standing on the foundation of the "New Beginning Grace Workshop" will mobilize all of their heavenly fortune and that of their ancestors to touch the heart of America and bring all the people that God has prepared in all 50 states.
4. That Ambassadors for Peace, including ACLC Clergy, WFWP leaders, Youth and Civic and community leaders rise up to share the responsibility for this tour and for America at this time.
Additional Directions for FFWPU Leaders:
Establishment of an ongoing two day workshop: All Districts must develop the two day workshop and education system. Each district should conduct monthly (or if possible, weekly) two day workshops for guests and our second generation that are 30 years old or younger. This should not be confused or merged with Family Home Church education for families, but should focus on young people. The most critical development necessary during this 7 year course is that we multiply and develop our membership base of fully committed young people.
WFWP Schools for Africa Project:
We ask that all FFWPU leaders and related organizations be supportive of the benefit programs that WFWP will be organizing throughout the year in each district. These benefit programs generate financial support for a number of wonderful schools founded by WFWP in Africa. These schools provide excellent service to our brothers and sisters in Africa through training in technical and trade skills as well as comprehensive education.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins