The Words of the Yang Family |
Final Deadline For Submitting Applications For 2nd Generation Blessing On July 5th
Chang Shik Yang
June 10, 2007
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
North American Headquarters
Second Generation Department
4 W 43rd St. New York, NY 10036
TEL: (212) 997-0050, ext.123 FAX: (212) 391-0222
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director - Rev. Michael Jenkins, USA President
(NHQ 2GD - 07 -- 005)
TO: District Directors, All FFWPU Leaders, BFD Representatives, and All Blessed Central Families
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
DATE: June 10, 2007
RE: Final Deadline for Submitting Applications for 2nd Generation Blessing on July 5th
2nd Generation who were already matched by their parents and are planning to attend the upcoming Blessing on July 5th and 2nd Generation who wish to attend the upcoming True Parents’ Matching MUST submit all applications to the 2nd Generation Department by Tuesday, June 19th, 2007, which is the FINAL deadline for applications.
The details are as follows:
1. Date of the Blessing Ceremony:
Thursday, July 5th, 2007, at 11AM in Korea
2. Official Schedule:
Those who got matched by their Parents should arrive in Korea by July 3rd to attend the blessing and can leave from Korea on July 6th or later (some tours or activities may be organized on the 6th). Further details will follow soon.
3. Matching Schedule:
No official announcement has been made regarding the date, time and location of the matching. It is expected to occur between June 25th and July 2nd.
4. Final Deadline for Application:
June 15th, 2007
5. Blessing Rings:
Can be pre-purchased in America at the Japanese Publications Store at 4 West 43rd St. in New York City. Also, we expect that rings of different qualities and costs will be available in Korea.
6. Documents to prepare
Please download all documents at the Second Generation Department website ipathfinder.net, under the "Blessing" menu at the top, click "Forms"
A) 2nd Generation who were already matched by their own parents
1) Application form
2) Family Introduction
3) Interview form
4) Matching Report
5) Blessing fee receipt
6) Certificate of Blessing Workshop
7) Two 8 x 10 photos- one full length, one head and shoulders
8) HIV/AIDS test
B) For True Parents’ Matching
1) Application form
2) Family Introduction
3) Interview form
4) Blessing fee receipt
5) Certificate of Blessing Workshop
6) Certificate of Physical Exam
7) HIV/AIDS test
8) Signed Confirmation of Qualification for True Parents’ Matching
9) Two 8 x 10 photos- one full length, one head and shoulders
7. Qualifications for Participation in True Parents’ Matching
We don’t know yet the qualification for participation in the upcoming True Parents’ Matching. The qualification for True Parents’ Matching in December, 2005, prior to the Special Amnesty Ceremony, were as follows.
(a) Purity- never having kissed or dated
(b) Obedience- absolute acceptance of Father's match without question
(c) International- prepared to accept any race or nationality (no parental interference)
(d) Innocence- No previous experience of being blessed and matched
(e) Health- Good health physically and mentally
(f) Seven day fast
We will announce the qualifications as soon as we receive them from FFWUPI.
8. Blessing Fee [more than an administrative fee -- an historical condition]
The standard Blessing fee is $1,500. per candidate for those traveling to Korea, or $500 for Re-Blessing applicants who paid previous fees in full.
Make checks to "HSA-UWC" with notation: Blessing Fee for (name of person to be blessed)
(Please use ‘Blessing fee payment form’ at ipathfinder.net)
9. 7 Day Fast
A 7 day fast should be done before the Blessing. This is a precious condition for 2nd Generation to prepare for the Matching or Blessing.
10. Where to Submit Documents and Blessing Fees
Rev. Inguk Seo
Second Generation Department
4 W. 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
For further information, contact Rev. Inguk Seo, Director of 2nd Generation Blessing, FFWPU- USA.
Most sincerely,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins