The Words of the Yang Family |
WCSF Matching and Blessing- with UPDATED International MEMOS
Chang Shik Yang
June 18, 2007
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification North American Headquarters
Blessed Family and Second Generation Departments
4 W 43rd St. New York, NY 10036
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director - Rev. Michael Jenkins, USA President
(NHQ 2GD - 07 -- 004)
TO: District Directors, State and Church Leaders, BFD Representatives
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
DATE: June 18, 2007
RE: Clarifications and Updates Regarding the WCSF Blessing on July 5th, And the Matching of Candidates for the Blessing- 2nd Generation
According to the newly updated FFWPU International Memos 2007-26 and 2007-28, which are attached, the following information, clarifications and updates should be clearly understood and urgently distributed. With apologies for the shortness of time and the unfolding character of these events, we will first highlight the most significant developments/changes. Details regarding preparation for the Second Generation matching and Blessing are included below. Preparation for the First Generation matching and Blessing will be explained in a detailed Memo to follow soon.
I. Important Developments and Updates [First and Second Generation]
A. First Generation Matching will be by Picture ONLY- A photo matching is planned for June 23, 2007. See below for qualifications, etc.; more will be announced soon. NOTE: NO "IN-PERSON" MATCHING has been planned.
B. Second Generation Matching will begin on June 30, 2007 at Chung Pyung in Korea- this matching will be done in person. Candidates should arrive at Chunga Camp at Chung Pyung no later than the evening of June 29th. Candidates who meet the standards for the Cheon Il Guk Blessing, as designated by True Parents in December, 2004 (maintained purity- no boyfriend/girlfriend relationship in the past, absolute faith in TP’s match, etc.) are invited to participate. Broader categories may yet be welcomed. See details and qualifications below.
C. WCSF Blessing Schedule- Blessing will be held at 10:00 AM Korea time on July 5th, 2007 at Yoo Gwan-soon Indoor Gymnasium in Cheonan, Korea (1 hour south of Seoul).
July 2-4- Arrivals, transportation provided from Incheon International Airport to Cheonan (Arrive by 12:00 Noon on the 4th at the latest)
July 4- Holy Wine Ceremony (evening)
July 5- Blessing Ceremony (10:00 AM), Indemnity Ceremony (evening)
July 6 and later- departures according to country-by-country plan
II. Second Generation Matching (for First Generation, see Memo to follow)
A. Matching Ceremony- To be held beginning June 30th at Chunga Camp, Chung Pyung, Korea. Participants should arrive at Chunga Camp by 29th evening. Transportation provided from Incheon International Airport from June 28-30th. See details below.
B. Qualifications:
1) Purity: Those who have maintained purity of lineage; no exclusive romantic relationship with the opposite sex (girlfriend/boyfriend) in the past.
[For questions regarding Amnesty or other categories, see NOTE below]
2) Absolute Faith: To accept True Parents’ match without question and not break it.
3) International Blessing: Willingness to receive international, interracial or intercultural Blessing to create one global family
4) Public Commitment: Determination to commit oneself for thirty months of public activities after the blessing.
5) No Previous Engagement: Those who have never been previously matched or blessed.
[For questions regarding Amnesty or other categories, see NOTE below]
6) Good Health: Those who have no special physical or psychological problems.
7) Age Range: Aged 17 -23 on July 5, 2007
[Those older, see NOTE below]
NOTE: An announcement will follow soon regarding candidates for matching who are older than the age above, were matched or Blessed before, or have not maintained the CIG standard of absolute purity.
Participation in the Amnesty Ceremony held worldwide from October, 2006 - February, 2007 allowed Heaven to take responsibility for our past mistakes and removed the condition for Satanic accusation for our past, allowing us to walk the path of an original Second Generation. But that Amnesty still signifies that we have been restored to that original status, based upon True Parents’ authority. For the purposes of True Parents creating the standard of the matching and Blessing prior to the fall, therefore, those who have maintained absolute purity throughout their lifetime - before and after the Amnesty, are being called to participate. Those who did not maintain that lifetime standard, though they have received absolution through the Amnesty, are not being called to this CIG matching.
C. Preparation
1) Education: Candidates should have completed a seven-day Divine Principle workshop or a similar course of study, or AT LEAST a 2-Day Blessing Workshop is required. All candidates should provide a certificate of having completed the Blessing Workshop within the last 2 years.
2) Seven-day Fast: Candidates should complete a seven-day fast under their local church leaders’ guidance. Those unable to do a seven-day fast can substitute a 21-day morning fast
3) Blessing Rings: Can be pre-purchased in America at the Japanese Publications Store at 4 West 43rd St. in New York City (Phone 212-302-6216). Also, we expect that rings of different qualities and costs will be available in Korea.
D. Documents to Submit Please download all documents at the Second Generation Department website - ipathfinder.net, under the "Blessing" menu at the top, click "Forms"]
1) Application form
2) Family Introduction
3) Interview form
4) Matching Report
5) Blessing fee receipt
6) Certificate of Blessing Workshop
7) Two 8 x 10 photos- one full length, one head and shoulders
8) HIV/AIDS test
NOTE: Please report your arrival/departure schedule in Korea.
E. Blessing Fee- [more than an administrative fee - an historical condition] The standard Blessing fee in the US is $2,000 per candidate. Those traveling to Korea may submit only $1,500, to offset some of the travel expenses.
Make checks to "HSA-UWC" with notation: Blessing Fee for "insert name of person to be blessed" (Please use ‘Blessing fee payment form’ at //ipathfinder.net)
F. Deadline- Forms and fees should be submitted by Tuesday, June 19th AT THE LATEST. Submit 2nd Generation forms by email or fax to:
Rev. Inguk Seo (or Mi-ae Stein) Second Generation Department T: 4 W. 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
III. Second Generation (Blessing Participants) Matched by their Parents
All matched 2nd Generation who are planning to attend the upcoming Blessing must submit all applications to the 2nd Generation Department (same address as above). The same preparations apply to those matched couples for Blessing Fee, 7-Day Fast, Blessing Workshop, Documents to Prepare, and reporting your itinerary for Korea.
IV. WCSF Blessing- Schedule Details for the 7th Phase of the International Cross-cultural Blessing of 400 Million Couples:
A. Date: July 5 (Thu), 2007, 11:00 a.m.
B. Venue: Yoo Gwan-soon Indoor Gymnasium
C. Attire: Bridegroom: Dark Blue Suit, White Dress Shirt, Red Necktie, Black Shoes Bride: White Wedding Dress, White Shoes; White gloves to be worn by the brides and bridegrooms during the ceremony, and the corsage and bouquet for the bride will be provided at the accommodations.
F. Arrivals and Departures
ARRIVAL DATE: Participants should arrive in Korea by 12:00 noon on July 4, 2007
DEPARTURE DATE: Departures will begin from July 6, 2007, according to your national/regional schedule.
REPORTING ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE DATES: Please report your arrival and departure schedule in Korea to the Second Generation department by fax or Email.
V. Accommodations - details will be announced soon.
VI. Transportation - The organizing committee will provide transportation from Incheon International Airport according to the following schedule:
Matching Candidates- June 28 ~ 30, from airport to Chunga Camp,
Chung Pyung Blessing Participants- July 2 ~ 4, from airport to the accommodations
WHERE TO GATHER AT INCHEON AIRPORT: Upon arrival, candidates or participants should assemble in front of Block F, Gate 14
NOTE: In order to secure transportation during the above times, you MUST submit your arrival and departure itinerary in Korea to the Second Generation department by fax or Email. Use the attached Excel form as a guideline.
VII. "Satellite" Blessing in USA - For those unable to travel to Korea for the Blessing, a Blessing Ceremony is tentatively planned by internet broadcast in 2 locations: Los Angeles in the west, and New York or Washington, DC in the east. Once the events are confirmed we will notify you of the details.
VIII. Where to Submit Documents, Fees, Itineraries, and Questions
Rev. Inguk Seo (or Mi-ae Stein) Second Generation Department 4 W. 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
Most sincerely,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins