The Words of the Yang Family |
Congratulations Letter For July 1st Blessing
Chang Shik Yang
July 1, 2007
Dear Blessed Couples (2075) from the Madison Square Garden 1982 Blessing,
On behalf of our American Headquarters, we offer you our sincere congratulations on the occasion of your 25th "Silver" Anniversary of your Blessing. True Parents named the 1982 Blessings at Madison Square Garden in New York on July 1, and in Seoul, Korea on October 14, "World Peace Through Ideal Families." Now, on this 25th Anniversary of this great occasion we see that our families have spread throughout the world and have promoted fidelity in marriage not only through teaching but through example as well.
On July 4, 1982 Father spoke about the July 1st Blessing saying, "People came to this (July 1st) wedding because they are searching for true love. How wonderful it is that we can get married in order to serve the world and live in harmony with God!"
On October 14th Father prayed, "Heavenly Father, please bless these couples gathered here today… They are the ones whose philosophy is in line with Your ideal and their path of love extends directly from individual to family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos… they are willing to march forward to do God’s will from now on. Therefore, please bless the future of these youth… please record them as husband and wife of goodness in Your eternal book of life and please allow them not to be afraid of any challenge or any persecution."
To all who are celebrating this precious 25th anniversary let us rejoice on this wonderful day. The 25th anniversary is a most significant milestone for the Blessed Couples. Do you remember who sang for us that day? Remember how Father and Mother had lunch with all the couples in the MSG theatre? Remember your relatives? What a day that was!!
Interracial and International families were created on that day. We had no idea how our course would go, but here we are 25 years latter, with many children and for some of us -- grandchildren. We have maintained the faith and traditions of God. We have struggled to walk the path of faith. We have shed our blood, sweat and tears together with True Parents and True Family to build a world of ideal families.
The 2075 Couples are now playing a central role in establishing the path to peace and ideal families for America and the World. We are succeeding, step by step. As True Parents have completed the course of perfecting true love they have been established as the King and Queen of Peace and have now given the blessed families the inheritance as "owners of the Kingdom" -- "owners of Cheon Il Guk."
Let us continue to walk forward with faith, hope and love that our families one by one will fulfill God’s hope and ideal. In a few days in Korea, many of the children of the 2075 couples will "walk the aisle" to receive the blessing of marriage for the next generation.
The True Family tradition will never stop expanding until all families are engrafted to the True Olive Tree -- the Tree of Life. Let us fulfill the tradition of True Love that True Parents have set for us. Let us celebrate this great day. May God Abundantly Bless your families and all you love.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins