The Words of the Yang Family |
Witnessing Summit, "Support MEPI Sunday", ACLC Mega Church outreach, Family Church (HDFC), Alaska Fishing Tournament
Chang Shik Yang
August 18, 2007
This memo has been faxed to all District Headquarters. Each District HQ must FAX this memo to their State Centers. All FFWPU Churches are requested to PRINT THIS MEMO OUT and distribute it to their congregation at Sunday Service. This memo has also been emailed to all Church Leaders including the State Leaders.
TO: All FFWPU Leaders, All Directors of Related Organizations, KEA Leaders, All Blessed Families and Members
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Dr. Michael Jenkins
DATE August 18, 2007
RE: Witnessing Summit, "Support MEPI Sunday", ACLCMega Church outreach, Family Church (HDFC), Alaska Fishing Tournament
We greet you in the True Love of our True Parents and wish to express gratitude for all of our leaders, Blessed Central Families and members for the fulfillment of so much for God's providence during this Jubilee year.
1. Special "Support MEPI Sunday": (MEPI is the Middle East Peace Initiative and is an educational and service program of the Universal Peace Federation founded by Rev. Moon.) Outstanding rabbis and diplomats and very high level leaders are coming to MEPI as special guests of our North American MEPI group. Let us make special offering for Father's vision for Peace in the Middle East. We would like to ask that every family bring a $20 bill (or check or change!!) to church on Sunday. This is an offering beyond your normal tithe and offering, to help with the costs of hosting many dignitaries. Each state should choose one key member or Ambassador for Peace who is really inspired by the MEPI to stand at the pulpit with our pastor and make a special request for this offering. (Note: this person shouldn't make a presentation but rather just endorse MEPI from their heart and appeal for everyone to support with $20 or more.)
2. Witnessing and FamilyHomeChurch are the central priorities for all Blessed Central Families. These "sphere of life" efforts must be a natural part of our lifestyle. Young people should focus on witnessing to youth in coordination with the new National Witnessing Task Force and families should work through FamilyHomeChurch to connect families to the lineage of heaven. These must be organized so as to support America's strong history and tradition of fulfilling True Parent's providential goals for the Elder Son Nation through support of the Public Sphere organizations centering on the Universal Peace Federation.
Witnessing Summit:
The Witnessing Summit on August 3 - 5 in Los Angeles was well attended by representatives of each district. A genuine partnership of all generations was established. We sincerely thank Rev. Sheri Rueter for excellent leadership and development, and are grateful for the support of Rev. Dong Woo Kim (Senior Vice President and National Director of Witnessing and Education) and Rev. Joshua Cotter (National Vice President and National Director of FamilyHomeChurch). We also thank the District Directors for sending many key educators to this meeting, as well as the many college students who attended. Also thanks to Mr. Mito, President of W CARP USA, and Mr. Naokimi Ushiroda, Director of Second Generation Department, who gave full support and contributed to the process. Rev. Schanker's support and participation also provided critical insight and understanding. We now have a top quality working group that will support Mrs. Rueter. We are grateful for Dr. Hyun Jin Moon's guidance and full endorsement of this effort at the North American Leadership Meeting in New York on Aug. 14th and his expression of confidence in this effort and Mrs. Rueter's leadership ability.
The Summit brought fresh energy to kindle the "family spirit" of our movement and the feeling of unity. All the participants felt that if we build our movement with the heart to save people and with True love for humanity, we will naturally attract young people as members. Special thanks to Ms. Heather Thalheimer, whose professional experience in adult learning and leadership in facilitating participation in the summit process provided an excellent dynamic for dialogue and the drawing out of fresh ideas and commitment.
The next Witnessing Summit is being planned with all key leaders from all generations for late September or early October on the east coast.
The following points were agreed upon and approved by Headquarters:
1) This National Task Force on Witnessing will be under the leadership of Mrs. Sheri Rueter as Team Coordinator. The Team Coordinator will be supported by the key leaders of all national and local organizations related with FFWPU. The Team Coordinator will work under the leadership and in cooperation with Rev. Dong Woo Kim, National Director of Witnessing and Education.
2) The National Leadership Training Program (NLTP) led by Mr. Mito and W-CARP USA is highly recommended for college students and college age young people who would like to set aside time for training as leaders in our movement. It is very effective.
3) A National Mobile Witnessing Team will be formed centering on Rev. Dong Woo Kim. This team will have a one year training focus including 40 day workshop, mobile witnessing, and fundraising experiences for leadership training. The one year program will begin on September 16th, 2007. (More information, including an invitation letter and registration materials, will be sent out soon.) This will be for youth ages 18 - 35. Graduation will be August 16, 2008. Participants will graduate with a lifelong leadership foundation which will be invaluable for future leadership in any endeavor. The teams will travel the U.S. energizing and touching our communities and the youth of America and experiencing the living Principle. They will also learn to become lecturers and educators in the Principle.
4) The National Task Force on Witnessing under the direction of the "Team Coordinator," will conduct "Witnessing Summits" across the country to engage members of all generations. The National Witnessing Task Force will also be directly designing the introductory programs, brochures and approach materials, as well as advanced workshops that will have one goal in mind. - bring young people into the love of God and into a full and energized membership into our fantastic global movement. The National Task Force on Witnessing will work as a team and in cooperation with every district, our youth, youth ministries and local leadership, as well as National HQs and related organizations such as W-CARP.
The effort to develop the two-day workshop with first and second generation educators will constitute the first major component of a new educational system for America. It will create an ongoing process inspire youth to give a full time commitment of three years or more to the core values creating a culture of heart for all. The younger generation will take the lead in this genuine partnership and will work with the older generation to develop new and fresh approaches to reaching young people who would want to be members of our movement.
One of the outstanding moments of our Witnessing summit was the testimony of Ares Meyers - without question his testimony and that of his fine brother Jove, who joined our movement as young people, demonstrate that millions of youth are ready to join. The Summit reminded us that we have to set the spiritual conditions of fasting, prayer and good spiritual life and the creative, carefully planned "beyond boundaries" type education and programs that young people need at this time. District Directors will be recommending leadership from all generations to attend the upcoming weekend "Summit" in late September or early October on the east coast. We are also considering the effort of the National Witnessing Task Force as our national offering to fulfill Father's direction of this years Summer 40 day witnessing focus.
(SPECIAL NOTE: The National Mobile Witnessing Team will be a mobile team designed for one year of training for young people. The National Task Force on Witnessing will be an ongoing partnership of all generations in the development of the heart of witnessing, of an education system (two day workshop), focused on bringing new members from 18 to 35 years of age. These two are separate and distinct efforts.)
3. MegaChurch Outreach: ACLC just completed a tour of 8 Mega Church Ministries in America with Dr. Hyun Jin Moon. It was very inspiring to see that these visionary leaders of faith in America resonate with the theme of "One Family under God", and are deeply concerned about the moral and ethical direction of America as well as the need for bringing people of all faiths together to strengthen the family. ACLC is making a special effort through December 31, 2007 to share the vision of this interfaith movement with these key religious leaders. ACLC is seeking to introduce all MegaChurch ministers to ACLC and UPF during this time. If you are inspired to volunteer to help this effort, please contact the ACLC District Chairman or local coordinator in your area.
4. FamilyHomeChurch - (HDFC) All families need True Love. The central place of true love is in the home of a blessed family. We are well aware of the fact that our own families are far from ideal in terms of True Love and yet we are the families that God has chosen to create the foundation for God's True love, life and lineage in the community, nation and world.
How can we make our families and homes places of True Love? According to True Parents' guidance the key to making a family of True Love is to establish the Hoon Dok tradition in your home and live for the sake of others, from our family members to the community. The central process that God has given us at this time to set the conditions for creating families of True Love is through Family Home Church (HDFC).
This is currently the central direction for all blessed central families, and is directly related to our responsibility to walk a course parallel to True Parents. If you and your spouse and or your children are finding the building of an ideal family very challenging in this secular world - don't worry - you are not alone!! We are all going through this course together to reach True Parents' Ideal and the fulfillment of True Love as a family.
Through FamilyHomeChurch we can find the support we need and bind our families together in love and help one another. We can harmonize our ancestors and our families through God's word receive help from heaven. Through good give and take and an atmosphere of trust and love centering on God's Word it is natural that it will attract other families. That is how we are to multiply, bringing this to all families in the community who can receive it.
Please help every family to find a HDFC group that they can participate in once or week or at a minimum once a month. A National Curriculum is now being developed for FHC at this time. Currently we recommend using the topical selection of Father's Words called "Family Home Church Readings". "Breaking News" and testimonies of FamilyHomeChurch development can be found on www.familyfed.org at the FamilyHomeChurch section of our website.
While the witnessing task force will focus on bringing new young members, the FamilyHomeChurch is the central dispensational vehicle to bring "families" into the realm of True Love centering on True Parents for the realization of Cheon Il Guk (the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.) These FamilyHomeChurch units should come together for regular Sunday service "experiences" with the larger community. Rev. Joshua Cotter is the National Director of FamilyHomeChurch and reports directly to the President and Continental Chairman.
5. Alaska Fishing Tournament: NY, NJ, DC, CHI, SF, LA are to send two representatives each. All other districts are to send one each except for Seattle. Seattle must send 5 from Alaska and Seattle. FFWPU has been asked to have a total of 20 representatives there. These representatives will not only be joining the Fishing Tournament but will also attend the International Leadership Conference. In addition, UPF-North America is bringing 10 Ambassadors for Peace for this special fishing and leadership experience. It will run from Tuesday, August 28, with registration and arrivals in the afternoon and opening dinner at 7:30 pm, and conclude on Monday, September 3rd with morning departures. All District Directors who have NOT been to Alaska for a previous fishing tournament are asked to come.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins