The Words of the Yang Family |
True Parents' 12 City Speaking Tour - Outreach, Prayer and Fasting Condition, Nominating Ambassadors for Peace
Chang Shik Yang
November 1, 2007
TO: All FFWPU leaders, leaders of related organizations and blessed central families
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Dr. Michael Jenkins
DATE November 1, 2007
RE: True Parents' 12 City Speaking Tour Outreach, Prayer and Fasting Condition, Nominating Ambassadors for Peace
May the blessing of God and True Parents be with you and your family. Today, True Parents arrived in Hawaii; we sincerely welcome them home. The preparations are going well for both True Children's Day to be held on Saturday, November 10th and the Twelve City U.S. Speaking Tour from November 11 - 21, 2007. Please support this tour in the following ways:
Prayer and Fasting
We ask that all blessed central families and members participate in a special prayer and fasting condition from Thursday, November 1 thru Wednesday, November 21. We ask that each family pray from 10 pm each night with the attached prayer list. We ask that all night chain prayers and fasting be organized District by District.
Financial Offering
Please complete the requested offering of $500 per family ($250 per individual) by Wednesday, November 21. We ask that you offer at least half on or before November 9. Please send your offering to your District Headquarters.
Don't forget to invite your relatives!! Invite all your friends and colleagues from your Family Home Fellowship (HDFC), your workplace, or assist the Ambassadors for Peace and Clergy in their efforts to invite their colleagues.
Reach out to the leaders of society to come hear True Mother's message. People of influence are being deeply moved by the UPF programs as they can see that all races, faiths and people are coming together as "One Family Under God".
Several former high ranking US Ambassadors and Congressmen have become Ambassadors for Peace and are now inviting other colleagues to the 12 city tour because they believe that this is the most viable movement to diffuse global religious tensions and secure peace for all humanity.
The tour message is inspiring to all who love this nation because it lifts up the central importance of America in God's providence and conveys God's confidence in the Elder Son Nation as the key to securing peace from the family to the community to the world.
Ambassadors for Peace
In our memo of October 15, 2007 (NHQ20071015) we asked that each family support the Universal Peace Federation's efforts to expand the U.S. base of Ambassadors for Peace. Nominate 5 people to be appointed as Ambassadors for Peace. They can come to the event and be appointed there or at another event organized by UPF in your district.
All new appointees will be honored in the main program. Also, you can recommend youth and college students as Youth Ambassadors for Peace or College Ambassadors for Peace. ACLC pastors are being asked to nominate 5 leaders from each church for appointment (Please secure the materials necessary from your UPF District Secretary General or District Chairman.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins