The Words of the Yang Family |
Parents’ Matching Convocation #4 in California, Feb. 16-18, 2008
Chang Shik Yang
December 29, 2007
Memo NHQ BFD 2007-12-29
TO: All FFWPU District and State leaders, all Blessed Families
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Dr. Michael Jenkins
DATE December 29, 2007
RE: Parents’ Matching Convocation #4 in California, Feb. 16-18, 2008
May the blessings of God and True Parents be fully present with you and all your members during this busy holiday season.
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Parents’ Matching Convocation #4. It will be held in Hayward, CA, south of Oakland Airport, during the Presidents’ Day holiday weekend, Feb.16-18, 2008. Details will be available in early January, but parents seeking opportunities to meet other parents with matching-age children, and learn more about the matching process from those who have successfully matched their children will want to save these dates. Due to successful Matching Convocations held in October, 2007, at UTS and previously, many parents expressed their desire for more similar opportunities. With several thousand Second Generation of matching age in America, these gatherings to learn about the tradition and process, and network with other families are invaluable.
We plan, therefore, to hold four Matching Convocations in 2008: in California in February, on the East Coast in the spring and fall, and in the middle of America (likely Chicago) in the summer. The largest number of our membership live on the East Coast, so there will be two events there.
By making this announcement now, we believe we are best serving parents by giving them ample time to plan their schedules and select the appropriate convocation for them. It is important that you announce this in your Sunday Church bulletins and on all your mailing lists to get the word to all families. Please refer all parents to the Calendar of Events on the website of the Blessed Family Dept. for specific details of each event. (www.familyfed.org/bfd/BFDSched.html).
Similar convocations are also being held in Japan and Korea, as well as in Europe next March 21-23. American parents may wish to participate in these, or make candidate information available there. Information will be available on these as well through the Blessed Family Department. Please be sure your District and State BFD coordinators distribute the information.
We wish you tremendous success in your mission. God bless you, your family, and your District,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
FFWPU North America Region
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins