The Words of the Yang Family |
New Leadership in America
Chang Shik Yang
April 24, 2000
To: World Mission Department, Japan Headquarters, North American Regional Directors, Vice-RDs, State Leaders, members and friends
Greetings from National Headquarters.
Yesterday, Easter Sunday, Father advised us to implement changes in key positions in the American movement. This took place at East Garden, during Hoon Dok Hae, at a meeting including one hundred leaders from Korea and Japan, as well as the American Regional Directors. Father recommended that Rev. Michael Jenkins, presently Vice-President of HSA-UWC America, move from that position to the presidency of HSA-UWC America. Father asked Rev. Jenkins to focus his leadership on the ongoing development of our relations with Christian churches.
Then Father recommended that Dr. Tyler Hendricks, current President of HSA-UWC America, move from that position into the presidency of the Unification Theological Seminary. He also advised that Dr. Hendricks continue with HSA-UWC as Director of the Education Department.
Father then recommended that Dr. Theodore Shimmyo, current President of UTS, move from that position to a position in interreligious work with the Interreligious International Federation for World Peace, working under Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak.
The individuals personally accepted True Fatheršs guidance. All those present offered them their congratulations. We expect that the governing boards of the two organizations straightaway will ratify these appointments given by their Founder, to be effective May 1 of this year, the 46th anniversary of the founding of HSA-UWC.
The transition ceremony for UTS will take place in the Seminary chapel at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3. The transition ceremony for HSA-UWC will take place May 1, location to be announced.
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