The Words of the Yang Family |
Cheon Il Guk Level Holy Blessing
Chang Shik Yang
January 4, 2003
To: All Leaders; All Regional and State FFWPU, AFC, WFWP, Kodan, Directors of organizations, Business Leaders, Department Heads, Tribal Messiahs and all Blessed Central Families and Members.
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: January 4, 2003.
Re: Cheon Il Guk Level Holy Blessing of True Parents, Cheon Il Guk Blessing of Blessed Families and special Cheon Il Guk activity in Korea for 2,400 Americans, 2,400 Japanese and 2,400 Koreans.
Dear Families,
We hope that you had a meaningful and enriching God's day and that your new year has begun with joy. Here in Korea, Father is rapidly moving forward toward the substantial expansion of Cheon Il Guk (Unified Nation of Cosmic Peace). Most of the leaders of our movement worldwide have assembled at Chung Pyung and are successfully going through the 50-day training course set by our True Parents. This course is preparation for our worldwide movement for Cheon Il Guk. We have been experiencing tremendous love and grace from our True Parents. God's Day was a historic entry into the third year of Cheon Il Guk and Father is substantially building and expanding the Kingdom of God centering on the Unification of the Fatherland.
This is a most meaningful time in God's providence as True Parents have returned to the Fatherland. To secure Cheon Il Guk and the Fatherland, True Father is asking all blessed families to fulfill their responsibility before heaven by coming to Korea to make a special condition. This will bind Korea, Japan and America together as one unified cornerstone of Cheon Il Guk. We sincerely ask you from the bottom of our hearts to respond with absolute faith to Father's call at this time. The full meaning of this condition is not understood, but we know that True Parents are making strong conditions of sacrifice to allow the three primary nations of Korea, Japan and America to fulfill their portion of responsibility in the shortest possible time.
We sincerely thank all of our coordinating and selection committees who have been overseeing the Cheon Il Guk Awards selection process. The families that will be selected for this Cheon Il Guk Award are playing a significant role.
Holy Blessing of True Parents on the Cheon Il Guk Level, Cheon Il Guk Blessing of All Blessed Central Families (Every family must be represented.)
A new dispensational direction has been given. On February 6 at 7 am, on True Parents' birthday, Father and Mother will receive the Cheon Il Guk level (the third and final level) of blessing upon their marriage. Originally, True Parents' blessing in 1960 should have been on the foundation of Cheon Il Guk. However, because Cheon Il Guk was not yet established their blessing was done on the conditional foundation of True Parents' victorious course and the pledge that one day Cheon Il Guk would be fulfilled. Now this historic day has arrived in which True Parents will go through a formal blessing ceremony that is totally complete on the third level before heaven and earth. (Father mentioned that Mother will wear a formal wedding dress and Father formal wedding attire). This is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
Revelation 19:7 - 9, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they, which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God."
Blessed are all blessed families who are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb!!
The Holy Blessing Ceremony will also be the Coronation of True Father as King of all Blessed Families. The formal title of the ceremony is:
Coronation Ceremony for the King of Blessed Families and the Establishment of Peace and Unification of Heaven and Earth. (Further refinement of translation may alter this slightly.)
This is the third level of blessing that follows the family level (our original blessing) and Registration level blessing. Upon the completion of the ceremony Father and Mother will then convey and officiate the Cheon Il Guk level blessing of marriage to all blessed couples who attend. Your family must be present to receive the blessing.
Three Nations Cheon Il Guk activity from February 8 - 16. (Every family must be represented).
On February 8th all who participated in the Cheon Il Guk Blessing will then take this blessing to every village of Korea. 50 day graduates, Cheon Il Guk Award recipients and all blessed families and members should visit all the villages of Korea for 7 days (Feb. 8 - 15). You may schedule flights back to America for February 16th. You should go to the city you were assigned to in your registration blessing. We will go together with the Korean leaders that are here for the 50-day workshop. Korea, Japan and America will work as one. The details of the 7-day Cheon Il Guk activity will follow.
Key directions for All Blessed Families concerning the CIG Blessing and CIG Activity: (Members are directed to attend the blessing and participate in the CIG activity.)
* ALL REGISTERED BLESSED FAMILIES MUST HAVE ONE SPOUSE ATTEND THE CHEON IL GUK BLESSING AND CIG ACTIVITY (A son or daughter who is middle school or older may represent the family.) 2,400 Americans must come to Korea for a special blessing and condition of unity for the sake of Cheon Il Guk. IT IS PREFERABLE FOR BOTH SPOUSES ATTEND TOGETHER TO RECEIVE THE HOLY BLESSING (ON THE CHEON IL GUK LEVEL) AND DO THE CHEON IL GUK ACTIVITY TOGETHER.
* ALL MEMBERS WHO ARE SINGLE ARE DIRECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHEON IL GUK ACTIVITY. (Regional Directors or organizational leaders will decide who is to attend from the members) (Feb. 8 - 16)
WHAT: True Parents Cheon Il Guk Blessing, Cheon Il Guk Blessing of Blessed Couples (Feb. 6 - 7) and Cheon Il Guk Activity (Feb. 8 - 16)
WHO: All Cheon Il Guk Award Candidates (these families should extend their stay until Feb. 16th), All Registered Blessed Central Families, All Blessed Families (not registered), all members (At least one representative from each family from all categories).
True Parents Birthday and The Cheon Il Guk Blessing: Chung Pyung Lake (Feb. 5-8 ) Arrive by 3 pm on Feb. 5th.
Dae Mo Nim will address all North American Families at 7 pm, Feb. 5th.
Cheon Il Guk Activity
All cities in Korea (Feb. 8 - 15) Registered Blessed Couples will go to their registered cities with Korean church leaders. All others will go with Korean church leaders to newly assigned cities. Return to America (Feb. 16). Morning departure is fine.
COST: $500 per person will cover all transportation and room and board for the Cheon Il Guk activity
$100 fee for special commemorative book of Father's 50 State Tour.
$20 Bus fee each way from airport to Chung Pyung and back.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center (Feb. 5 - 8)
Cities in Korea (Feb. 8 - 16).
TRANSPORTATION FROM INCHEON AIRPORT: Public transportation is available. Buses will be organized for North American groups. More details will follow.
Let us fulfill our responsibility before heaven and earth.
Sincerely in the Love of our True Parents,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director, FFWPU - North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins
President, FFWPU - USA
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