The Words of the Yong Family |
With heartfelt gratitude toward our most beloved True Parents!
We are truly grateful from the bottom of our hearts to our True Parents, who have bestowed great blessing on Taiwan through the Blessing Ceremony for previously married couples on December 19, 2009, in the Sun Yat Sen Hall, Taipei Yang Ming Mountain.
Moreover, we want to sincerely thank True Parents for sending the FFPWU World President, Dr. and Mrs. Hyung Jin Moon to officiate the Blessing Ceremony despite their busy schedule. All the couples who joined the blessing ceremony were so inspired and moved by the sacred atmosphere in the presence of Hyung Jin Nim's couple.
When Taiwan was selected as one of the twelve representative nations for the Peace UN at the "Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings" on January 15, 2009, all Taiwan members and blessed families determined to pass on the blessing bestowed by True Parents to all the people of Taiwan.
During True Parents' Birthday Ceremony this year, the Continental Director of Asia Dr. Yong gathered all Asian National Leaders in Korea to learn the witnessing strategy initiated by World President Hyung Jin Moon. All of us made strong determination to bring greater witnessing results for True Parents.
Taiwan encountered the greatest flood disaster in August. Dr. Yong encouraged us to do our best to help in the disaster relief and pray for the blessing activities. Thus, Taiwan held a peace concert on October 31 to console the hearts of the victims and all Taiwanese people.
After the peace concert, Dr. Yong directed us to hold a Blessing Ceremony for 1,200 couples as the consummation of our witnessing and outreach activities throughout the year. As the education for participants is a vital preparation, only those who attended Blessing seminar should take part in the Blessing Ceremony. Hence, the Blessing Ceremony is conducted in 2 phases, the first stage of 700 couples attended the Blessing Ceremony on 19 December and another 500 couples will attend the second phase next year. Taiwan National Leader, Church Leaders and all 500 Taiwanese Blessed Families united in heart with the Regional President's direction. We were able to bring only 700 couples and feel very sorry to our True Parents for not being able to achieve the original goal of 1,200 couples.
World President Dr. and Mrs. Hyung Jin Moon arrived Taiwan on December 18 and stayed in the local training center. He poured out his heart to guide the Asian National Leaders and gave them a new vision for witnessing centering on Tongil Kyo. They were so mesmerized by the wisdom, humility of the young President who was filled with heavenly joy and holy fire to proclaim True Parents as the Messiah, the Lord and Savior of all humankind. His powerful testimony of the "seven deaths and resurrections" will testify to every single soul the incredible, incomparable and absolute love of our True Parents. In the midst of turmoil within our movement in Asia, it was so timely that the Asian Leaders received direct guidance from Hyung Jin Nim to chart new plans and goals towards the establishment of Cheon Il Guk in 2013.
On the day of their arrival, Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim visited a Blessed Family's home which was selected by lottery. The Blessed Family was chosen among the 500 Blessed Families. It was such a coincidence that this family had offered their land to the Taiwan Church to build the Training Center in Damsui (the Training Center where Hyung Jin Nim stayed during his visit to Taiwan). He wrote a special Chinese Calligraphy for the family. They were so honored and grateful to be chosen to represent all the Taiwanese families to welcome Hyung Jin Nim's couple and are deeply moved by their sincere love for Taiwan.
On December 19, in the early morning at 3:00 am, Hyung Jin Nim led the Asian leaders and members in the morning devotion, Hungnam Prison meditation and 120 bows. Once again, during Hoon Dok Hae at 5 am, Hyung Jin Nim guided all the Asian National Leaders and inspired them to move forward with the new vision to establish Cheon Il Guk Nation in Asia.
The Blessing Ceremony began at 2:00 pm on December 19, 2009 at Yang Min Mountain Sun Yat Sen Hall (This is a historical building in Taiwan which was built to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the Father of Taiwan Nation.) A total of 1,500 participants, 700 couples and 100 friends and relatives, attended the Holy Wedding Ceremony.
The oldest participant was an old gentleman of 93 years; even though he was sick, he missed his wife so much and came with his wife's photo. There were more than 100 couples who have been married for 30~50 years, and among them, the longest was married for 65 years. During the exchange of rings, one 80-year old husband put the ring on his wife's hand with so much care and love, holding her hand gently. The atmosphere created by these loving couples was so heart-moving.
The program of the blessing ceremony proceeded smoothly. Participants were astonished and impressed when Hyung Jin Nim read the Blessing Vows as well as the "Proclamation of Blessing" and "Declaration of Holy Blessing" in Chinese. It was such a pleasant surprise and all participants were deeply impressed by this young Korean man pronouncing the Chinese words so clearly and beautifully. The atmosphere was overwhelming.
All Taiwanese members worked hard to mobilize their parents, relatives and friends to join the Blessing Ceremony with the mindset that those who will come to attend the Blessing will liberate 7 generations of their ancestors. By signing the application form for this Blessing, their ancestors can attend the Blessing on earth from the spirit world. With this kind of serious attitude, all Taiwanese members invited blessing candidates. They received so much internal blessing and experienced spiritual revival in the process.
The mother of the family that Hyung Jin Nim visited went out to invite her relatives and friends to the blessing almost every day. She has also made a 3-day fast and all night prayer condition to mobilize people to join this Blessing. Many of her relatives came to attend the Blessing Ceremony. A few days before the Blessing, she had a dream that her house had an odd smell, she traced the smell and found a colorful snake in her house. She shouted and asked her son to kill the snake. After she woke up, she received news from her daughter that the National Tax Department dismissed the legal case against the property which lasted for 15 years. After winning the court case her family received Hyung Jin Nim in their home. They offered deep gratitude to True Parents.
Among the participants, 25 Asian Leaders including 8 National Leaders; Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore came to join the Blessing ceremony and had meeting with Hyung Jin Nim. There were ten Taiwan dignitaries who participated in the Blessing. Dr Po Ya Chang, the Senior Advisor to the President cum President of UPF Taiwan gave the Congratulatory Remarks. H.E. Mr. and Mrs. Abdullah Mohd Salleh, the Ambassador of Malaysia presented flower bouquets to Hyung Jin Nim's couple; other attendees where H.E. and Mrs. Efrain R. Novelo, Ambassador of Belize; Dr. and Mrs. Prashant Singh, Representative couple from the Embassy of India; Religious leader, Master Ching Yao Shih-Chairman, Society Improvement Foundation; Pastor Li Wei Lee, Editor-Christian Church Association R.O.C. ; Religious Leader, Mr. Chia Chen Hsiao, Secretary General-I-Kuan Tao R.O.C.
After the Blessing ceremony, at about 9:02 pm, a 6.8 scale earthquake occurred in Taiwan. No one was injured. We believe that the victory in the Blessing Ceremony centering on Hyung Jin Nim's couple who represent True Parents have brought great fortune to Taiwan. A great disaster was avoided in Taiwan. Hallelujah!!
Hyung Jin Nim changed his original schedule and stayed one more day in Taiwan. The next day, Hyung Jin Nim led the morning devotion once again. He also gave members a wonderful speech during the Sunday service and took photos with each blessed family after the service. Taiwan received such tremendous love from True Parents and Hyung Jin Nim. We are so grateful!