The Words of the Zaccarelli Family |
Dear Mrs. [Won Pok] Choi,
We send greetings to our True Parents and to all our brothers and sisters from new Center in Ireland. We are deeply thankful to our Father for the opportunity of bringing the Divine Principles here.
At every step we have been feeling the Father's 95% as He led us first to find work and then to find a Center. (The outside door being painted red and the walls white, the Leader's symbol in the window looks quite at home!). Dawn is now working as a secretary and I am teaching English at a school for foreign students.
Of course we began witnessing at once and quickly discovered that the Irish people really are a friendly nation, and easy to talk to. The aspect of Principle which draws the interest of most people is the idea of unification. Historic barriers between Roman Catholic and Protestant are deep root, but here in the south the Christians themselves are not as sharply divided as they are in the north of Ireland. That there is now a means of unification brings many a new person to our meetings. Another Irish element on our side is curiosity which draws many people to ask about the meaning of the symbol which we wear.
Our witnessing has been mainly street witnessing. Sometimes to attract the attention of passers-by, we put up bright posters (painted by Dawn) and stand in front of them singing lively songs to guitar accompaniment. Irish people love singing. We have found that the majority of people are Catholic and many rise early in the morning in order to attend mass before work. Although many have a blind faith we are seeing more and more how our Heavenly Father is working so hard to prepare them for Higher Truth. Just recently we met a young Catholic who feels a deep need to study the Bible as he feels it neglected in the Church. For the last two months this same man has felt a strong desire to leave his family and friends and to work for God, but how? What a joy to be able to unfold to him the great message. Since we have been here numerous people have heard some of the Divine Principle and six people have heard the conclusion.
During the last few weeks we have been concentrating our efforts on finding influential people who are ready to do something for Father at this unique moment of His Dispensation. Also Father has led us to a group of young Catholics who have just formed in order to study how to become good Christian leaders. They asked me to speak at one of their meetings on the necessity of Christian Leadership in this age. Some of them are now studying the Divine principle, in our Center.
We know that as our love as Mothers of the Irish people becomes stronger, centered on Father, so we will be more successful for Him.
In this age of aimlessness and apathy we are so thankful to belong to Father and also such a wonderful world-wide family. Such a privilege to be the Father's instruments of restoring one piece of the world jig-saw puzzle for the earth -- so distorted by Satan, with all our unified efforts, will soon be as Isaiah foretold: "full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea",
Our love and prayers
In the Name of our True Parents,
Barbara Zaccarelli