The Words of the Abe Family |
Masatoshi Abe gives a report on the 40-day condition, July 8, 1984.
The British movement considers recent developments in its witnessing outreach very successful. They have more than accomplished their goals by finding over 5,000 new associate members during several 40-day conditions.
First, British church members went through all the rosters from the Home Church activities dating back to 1978-79 as well as the list of all ex-members. Members then visited every person on these lists. They did find that many had moved, but were not discouraged. Through door-to-door or street- witnessing, members found many Britons who agreed with the aims of the Unification Church and were willing to sign associate membership. To support the witnessing efforts, festivals were held.
The British church members attribute their "Pentecostal" witnessing success to spiritual support and guidance from Heung Jin Nim.
During the second half of this year, the British movement plans to concentrate on the education of all these new associate members. Each one must first of course be visited again, so that church members can obtain a realistic vision of the education needed.
On July 8, a Victory Celebration Meeting was held at the Lancaster Gate church headquarters. Mr. Masatoshi Abe, director of the British church, gave a speech of gratitude for the members' efforts and for the victorious witnessing breakthrough. He told the members:
From now on our main concern is with the established Christian churches and the nation... In Great Britain there are 51,000 churches, 45,000 ministers and 7.5 million Christians. It will be our next task to unite with them.
If we are all determined to save this nation, we can achieve it. Already we have laid a foundation; success depends only upon our determination. Already we are ahead of our membership goals... In three years, the situation in this nation will be completely different. By believing in this, make your determination and go ahead. God will be with us to guide and lead us.