The Words of the Ben-Eleazar Family |
I am proposing that, when established the Inter-religious Council of the United Nations, one of the first documents to be adopted is as follows:
1. All human beings, without distinction of race, nationality, religion, sex, age, ideology, social or economic status, we are one family created by God with the universal mission of living for the sake of others. All religious traditions and denominations are expressions of God's love, so enjoy equal dignity, honor and respect.
2. Everyone has the right to the pursuit of truth. This law gives individuals the freedom of research using the doctrine itself of every creed or education, communication and dialogue through which people explain to others the truth they have found or believe they have found to help each other in search for truth. Similarly people has the right to adhere to the truth which have been identified and direct their whole life according to the requirements of that truth.
3. Everyone has the right to private and public recognition of its existence as a religious person and not be harassed, attacked or punished in any way by reason of their religious identity, beliefs and faith practices.
4. Everyone has the right to freely profess their religious beliefs individually or collectively, to express freely their religion or religious beliefs or lack of them or not report on them.
5. Everyone has the right to join a religious association of interest following the guidelines and requirements thereof, or to establish the foundation of a particular religious institution when their beliefs do not conform to the established religious institutions.
6. Everyone has the right to leave or opt out of the religious institution in which it was gathered, also as the right not to be insulted, stigmatized, verbally or physically assaulted, harassed or disrespected by anyone because of their separation and / or profession of his new confession of faith.
7. Everyone has the right to private life or part thereof is not exposed, disclosed or orchestrated as a sign of loyalty to their beliefs or religious organization which gathers. No authority can coerce religious by any pretext for the faithful to disclose or manipulate issues and decisions of their personal or family privacy.
8. Everyone has the right to freely disseminate the doctrinal content of religious beliefs and to give or receive religious instruction verbally, written or any other media or have been, no limitations other than the right of others to refuse to receive that education or information.
9. Everyone has the right to practice, individually or collectively, in private or in public acts of prayer and worship.
10. Everyone has the right to celebrate the holidays and rest days of his own religion. Public Authorities, educational institutions and businesses should respect this right and preserve employment or educational relationship of persons subject to the observance of these sacred celebrations.
11. Men and women of marriageable age has been established as a couple have the right to marry and raise a family as their common religious tradition or that their marriage is blessed by a religious minister and that this union of love is recognized as legal and valid by all world religions and civil laws.
12. Everyone has the right to decent burial and observe the precepts and rites of the religion of the deceased regarding funeral customs, respecting the wishes of the deceased person has expressed that in life, or failing that expresses that family.
13. Everyone has the right not to be compelled to perform acts of worship or religious assistance contrary to their convictions.
14. Everyone has the right to receive religious assistance of their faith wherever they are and especially in public places health in the military or police and prisons.
15. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves and parents for children unable or under his authority, both within and outside school, religious and moral education according to their own convictions. Adolescents have the right to profess freely and voluntary religious tradition of their parents or guardians, or embrace another confession of faith other than that of those without the expense of due honor and respect owed to parents and guardians.
16. Everyone has the right not to be prevented on religious grounds to access any work or civilian activity, to exercise or to hold office or public functions.
17. Everyone has the right to receive spiritual counseling and by the religious authority of their choice, and not be forced to change his spiritual director or reveal the secrets of his heart to anyone who does not consider appropriate to entrust the secrets of his heart. This right protects the freedom of any religious leader to offer spiritual advice to anyone who applies to be heard and recommended, either inside or outside the norms of religious practice in their respective profession of faith.
18. Everyone has the right to enter any temple, shrine or place of prayer for meditation and prayer to Heavenly Father to raise long as they observe due respect to people, objects, sacred moments and restricted areas, as well as respect the performance standards of each temple or shrine as specific religious character.
19. Everyone has the right to exercise freely, generously and to the extent of their capabilities tribute to its corresponding sacred congregation, to any religious institution or any religious leader of their choice through donations, offerings, tithes or other financial assistance or in kind, and not to be coerced in any justification or means to make offerings beyond their capabilities. The exercise of the sacred tribute will be subject to the devout respect for human dignity and civil laws established.
20. Vocational personal jurisdiction is sacred. Any person called by God to have a specific ministry or religious work and for the common good, is to say, expressing the peculiar value of their doctrine and ministerial exercise of the company management and direction of human activity, is entitled to respect for his person, the legitimacy of calls received and their ministerial dignity, either within the hierarchy of established religious institution or within the statutory framework erected their own religious organization, and the right to have his good name and honor are respected.
21. Everyone has the right to practice, according to the rules of his institution and his own religious belief, observance of dietary laws, dress codes and use of sacred symbols, and all other persons and institutions comply with their enforcement.
22. Everyone is free to disagree with the doctrinal content or certain administrative matters of their own confession of faith and express their disagreement in public or private, orally or in writing to their respective co-religionists or religious authorities, provided it is done in a respectful manner, Fraternal and cordial, and without seriously affecting the congregational life of the other fellow, morality and decency. Equally entitled to the same treatment from them without their opinion merit the arbitrary expulsion of the congregation.
23. Every religious leader has the right to devote part of their time or all of the exercise of his ministry, as his disciples, brethren and benefactors to ensure their support through donations, offerings, tithes or other financial or in-kind contribution, leaving a except as provided in Article 19 of this Declaration.
24. Every religious leader has the right to freely exercise their own ministry, give religious orders designated for pastoral charges, communicate and maintain relationships, whether in the country or abroad, with his faithful, with other religious bodies and their own organizations, write, publish, receive and freely use their holy books and other publications on issues · fulfill religious education activities, charitable, relief which would put into practice the moral precepts from the social point of view of the respective denomination.
25. All religious leaders have the right to free association for the best performance of his ministry, through federations or associations of ministers of religion of common religious beliefs, or by joining associations, interfaith and interdenominational associations of ministers of religion from local National, continental or global.
26. All religious bodies are free and autonomous to set their own laws, manage resources and assets, operating regimes rule, plan of organization and representative bodies with an expression of their authority and their requirements for a valid assignment.
27. All religious organizations are entitled to establish their own hierarchy, corresponding to appoint ministers freely chosen by them, their particular form of attachment and permanence as its internal rules, have and run independently on their own training institutes and study, theological, in which they can be freely received ministerial candidates religious authorities of the religious institution deems appropriate.
28. All religious organizations have the right to reply and to demand the correction protocol and to the media when they, their creed or his ministers are injured by information slanderous, offensive, distorted or inaccurate.
29. In the exercise and enjoyment of their religious and spiritual, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by the principles and standards established by the United Nations and the law of the Member States with the sole purpose of securing due recognition and respect rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and general welfare.
30. The rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations, nor be construed as implying for any State, group or person To engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration.
Please help me to share these principles with the whole world. Shalom!
Rabbi Richard Gamboa Ben-Eleazar
Manhig of
International Ambassador for Peace
Bogota D.C.,