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Monza, Italy -- In collaboration with the Committee of UISP Monza (the "Italian Union of Sport for All"), UPF-Monza promoted the eighth annual "Peace Cup" tournament. This year the 7-player ethnic teams football tournament involves 10 teams with about 120 participants, the changes of the players are free and each team is made up of an average of 12 players representing the various nationalities in this area of northern Italy.
Moreover, during this 2013 edition of the Peace Trophy, will be held other tournaments and demonstration games of other sports, such as men's and women's volleyball, basketball and rugby, always with the aim of promoting first friendship and social integration and then the competitive dimension.
The intention is to make the "Peace Trophy" a real "ethnic festival of sport", which also includes several events, among which a multi-ethnic party, meetings and events dedicated to young people about values??and ethics in sports, in order to broaden the social and educational value.
The first of these meetings, on "Ethics and values??in sport", was held on Thursday, April 11, in the Conference room of the Urban Center in Monza, with various speakers and testimonials and with the presence of many of the young protagonists of sports tournaments. Subsequently, and for the first time inside the hall of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Monza, was held the draw for the second qualifying rounds to the finals of the football tournament.
The first two days of the football tournament, which began May 5, were a celebration of sport, in full respect of the values??and spirit of the founding of the Peace Trophy, which in addition to providing an opportunity for many young people to play football, through this popular sport wants to promote mutual understanding, friendship and integration between people of different cultures, nationalities and religions that exist in the same area. The kickoff of the opening match was given by Mario Beretta, coach for a Premier League soccer team. There was also some important guests, like Mayor Roberto Scanagatti and other members of Monza City Council.
As for the technical side, there were very interesting games with some interesting tactical moves, collective good sportsmanship, and some outstanding individual players, taking into account that the competitive spirit and desire to win will never fail. Watching the match between the Bolivia team and the very strong champions of the African Football team was a pleasure for all in attendance, as well as the match between Ecuador and Ghana: two spectacular matches that were contested until the last seconds of the game.
They will continue to play every Sunday afternoon; the finals which will be held on Sunday, June 23 in Monza; the award ceremony and a closing party will follow.
Sponsors include the "Calcio Monza Brianza 1912" and the "Company Fiammamonza 1970." Supporters include the Municipality of Monza, the Provinces of Monza and Milan, the Italian Olympic Committee, and other municipalities and local authorities.
Most of the matches will be played at the Ambrosini Sports Center in via Solferino in Monza, which thanks to the management of Cierre Ltd., has been provided at no charge.
The program of events, timing and results of the games, photos, reports, press releases, etc., are visible on the dedicated website: www.trofeodellapace.org