The Words of the Ching Family |
at the lunar New Year banquet.
The International Chinese Association (ICA) was initiated by Father on July 1, 1984, for the purpose of bringing God-centered unity among Chinese people through the application of Unification principles.
ICAs second annual convention was held at the Unification Theological Seminary from July 1-4, 1986. Thirty-one guests attended the three days of presentations and discussions.
Writer and biographer Ms. Li Ling- Ai received an enthusiastic response to her talk on "Being a Chinese- American': in which she drew upon her many years of experience lecturing about Chinese tradition. Her book Life Is for a Long Time chronicles her own parents' experience as the first doctors of Chinese descent to practice in Hawaii around the turn of the century.
The other prominent guest speaker, Dr. Victor T. H. Tsuan, gave a presentation on "The Chinese Experience with Communism As president of the China Commission of the Captive Nations Committee and director of the U.S. Council for World Freedom, Dr. Tsuan is a staunch anticommunist from Shanghai who speaks out often on behalf of a free China. He explained why communism cannot survive in China, and why China, even with over a quarter of the world's population, cannot conquer the world with Marxist ideology.
Mr. Lawrence Chen Fong described "The Chinese Experience in America -- 100 years:' dealing with the prejudice against the Chinese that accompanied their influx into California and the West Coast in the 19th century. In "Human Rights and the Emerging World Culture:' Mrs. Lova Eng Wilson gave a historical perspective of the casualties of the ideological war- fare going on in China since 1949.
Mrs. Fong Eng Spoto presented "Chinese Ethics and Christian Values;' a comparison between Confucian and Christian traditions. Mr. John Kung, a 54th-generation descendent and bearer of the same surname as Confucius (or K'ung-tzu as he is known in the Chinese language), gave a related presentation on "Similarities between Confucianism and Unificationism:'
Dr. Edwin Ang, vice president of the Unification Theological Seminary and president of ICA, drew insights from various speeches and talks by Father, and he concluded the presentations with a very meaningful talk on "The Role of China in the Providence"
The convention ended with a day of excursions on the Hudson River and a Fourth-of-July barbecue. Members and guests alike enjoyed this enlightening time of fellowship.
On January 31, 1987, ICA sponsored its first fundraising event: a Lunar New Year Celebration Dinner at the World Mission Center. Amidst red "good luck" ornaments and strains of Chinese music in the background, 32 guests enjoyed a "Steamboat" dinner accompanied by fortune cookies and orange slices (symbolic of good fortune). Beautiful pieces of jewelry were given to the three winners of a raffle, and each guest received small red "ang bao" -- boxes wrapped in "lucky" red paper filled with trinkets. The evening of Chinese hospitality concluded in noble fashion with a kung fu movie with English subtitles, featuring the always-inspiring triumph of good over evil.
The focus of ICA has continued to be teaching the CAUSA worldview. In 1986, four one-day CAUSA seminars were held in Mandarin, the official spoken form of Chinese -- one in Washington DC, and three in New York. Education in the Principle has also been initiated in the Chinese community. A three-day Principle workshop conducted in Mandarin was held in Chicago, and guests attended a two-day Principle workshop in New York City, also conducted in Mandarin.
With the publication last year of Outline of the Principle Level 4 in Chinese, and the production of an 18- hour videotape of Level 4 in Mandarin, we are ready to witness to greater numbers of Chinese people. Since many church members have called us about their Chinese contacts, we feel that there is a definite need for this material.
If you have a friend or associate you would like to introduce to the International Chinese Association, please contact
Chris Ching
c/o ICA
G.P.O. Box
New York, NY 10116