The Words of the Cisse Family |
In terms of religion France is an enemy country. France also needs
to be fixed…"
(Father's words to Bun Bong Wangs and
National Messiahs in Las Vegas)
As a French sister, this statement liberates me deep within...
Yes: my country is an enemy country to God and True Parents.
Satan's weapon is: laïcity, imposed by force upon people.
One needs to meditate, and to observe, who holds that weapon to soon understand.
The means to force laïcity (reinforcement of ignorance... nourishment of the culpability... Use of threatening... incitement to denunciate... and most of all: the stealing of one's free will...)
Social welfare...
All, to absolutely kill God and Christ again, and once for all!...
Father strictly says: " In terms of religion...".
That is because the Catholic Church is Satan's favorite place to kill God and Christ, and all true spirituality altogether.
For generations now, priests aren't allowed to speak and teach about of God, thus generations of Christians ignore their God. Any other denominations, including the Protestants are labeled as: sects. So is Unification Church...
The wrong issue with 2nd World War is brandished with absolute provocation and impunity.
I personality suffered the trouble with it once, when I was physically assaulted by a naïf of that community, right in the middle of the street, and had the administrative ID I used to fundraise, torn from my coat and stolen, after I had gone to a shop where I had already been harassed for "daring help black Africa".
If the diplomatic attempt to get my ID back failed, that man was even more upset when he saw three policemen entering his shop to question him. He first refused to hand over my papers, saying that things were already being worked out to "extract" me from Africa, and to sue me for anti-Semitism (most common threatening), to which the chief police told him: no problem, sir, but that will be only after we, the French justice will sue you to court for physical aggression and stealing of governmental IDs, and not reporting to the police...
I personally suffered the trouble as a sister of mine married one from that community, and acted very much alike that man on the street, going as far as denouncing me to the French Embassy in Senegal where I had just delivered my daughter, warning about me to be not "in" danger, but "a" danger. I was summoned and questioned then, by the Ambassador itself...
Yes: in terms of religion, because Laïcity IS the imposed new religion in France...
How is it so powerful as to have infected Unification Church as well?: Social welfare!
I know that many foreign members may be tempted by what they see as opportunities, to study for example. But Father, in the late 1988s already had warned us against the consequences in using social welfare. I remember be in IOWC in the States when Father had that information be delivered to all of the members, saying that anyone known by the spirit world as a member using welfare opportunities will bring misfortune to their descendants, because a member is to serve the nation, not have the nation serve us. That goes for everything. It is better to not eat than to go to free served food for example.
In France, the commonly known low cost living places is a great temptation, even though one needs to proof and justify being "poor". Passing-by the Heavenly law s leads one to become like a prisoner in its own nation. And as the threat is to have those opportunities taken away, one may end-up begging for food because he/she is not allowed to do something to provide for livings for example...
Yes: I admit: France is enemy country... and needs to be fixed...