The Words of the Davati Family |
I had 40 days of prayer condition for clergy when I met Pastor Frances De Jesus. She is the president and project developer for a project called "the Palace of Light", an interdenominational educational none profit organization just to be birthed in Lakeland. Her husband is Art De Jesus the senior pastor of Iglesias de Luz y Verdad in downtown Lakeland. That day I was preparing to give a talk so I needed to study In Jin Nim Moon's sermon to draw inspiration. I often watch in Jin Nim Moon's sermon, even her old sermons to get inspiration for my public works.
I often visit clergy and Christian churches in my area of Polk County, in central Florida, or talk to clergy and pray with them on phone on regular basis. Therefore I needed to give a small talk or often give them holy candy or just a holy toast to bring God's blessings to them. Therefore I draw power and energy from In Jin Moon sermons by watching her on YOUTUBE. I unite with In Jin Moon's words and her spirit in my heart and I repeat it to myself (I even had three dreams of her for the past few months).
This way I have spiritual energy and will power to drive around to visit churches and talk to clergy and invite them for my public events and sometimes I speak at the Christian churches in my area as well. Last Friday morning I had just arrived from Without Walls mega church where I prayed with their Spanish service Pastor.
I was so drained out spiritually and needed to fuel my spiritual energy so I went to Panera Bread Restaurant with my lap top computer to use their wireless services to watch In Jin Moon's sermon on internet. (God bless the restaurant owners for the wireless internet services they provide to their customers and non-customers alike). I spend an hour getting my spiritual food from In Jin Moon sermon's through surfing through all of her sermons (old and new) and taking note from it that I can use in my next talk at our public event coming up on July 9, 2011.
It was then that I lifted up my eyes and I saw the corporate looking career type lady across from me sitting on her laptop computer. With the prompt of the Holy Spirit I interrupted her and talked to her. It was then that it goes the start of a wonderful new friendship with a sister in faith, Pastor Frances De Jesus.
I invited Pastor Frances De Jesus to my next public event on July 9 at the First Christian church entitled the 'the Women of Proverbs 31". "The stories of exemplary women in our community." She accepted the invitation and we talked for one hour about God's miracles in her life and God's miracles in my life. Christian clergy often have many good experiences in walking with God on personal level and I often learn a lot from them and it strengthened my faith. Pastor Frances called me yesterday to come for a visit to my house.
Anyway, Yesterday as soon as I returned home from my routine church visitation, the phone rang and Pastor Art and Frances De Jesus wanted to come over for a visit to my home. We talked about God, Family Federation for World Peace and the American Clergy leadership. They looked at the ACLC two heavy binders full of reports and photos.
They recognized many pastors in town who had already attended our ACLC public events. In the end both pastors accepted to drink the Holy wine toasts and rededicates their marriage relationship to God. YEAH!!
Both pastors promised to come and bring their people to help me for the public event on July 9, 2011. Thank God for Free YOUTUBE that allow me to watch IN Jin MOON's sermons. Her sermons are like a life-line to me since there is no other family members either a unification church in my area, in my city or my county.
Praise and Glory and honor to our heavenly true parents who are watching over us and he hears our prayer s and he cares for us and His love is steadfast and unending love. Aju
PS Church visitation on Sunday July 3, 2011
I gave a small talk at the Victory Temple church of God, Elder Phillips, and holy candy, Evangelist Carolyn Williams (wife of the senior pastor) from True Faith ministries church in Lakeland, Faith Wesleyan Church, pastor Denise Waymire, Calvary Baptist church, pastor Shane Skelton, Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal, MI, pastor Pablo De Barbosa, witnessing to Pastor of another church called St Paul Missionary Baptist church, senior pastor Sanders and wife and her son and her daughter in law, giving them flyer and holy candy, witnessing to pastor Larry McNealy giving holy candy to him, visiting pastor Calvin Hill of the Pentecostal Church of God, holy candy, Greater Refuge Temple with Rev. Dianne Lynn, Breaking the Chain outreach ministry, pastor Marvic Jackson and wife, St. Mark Methodist church pastor Jones, in which he confirmed to send his church choir to our next public event and I visited pastor Christopher D. O'Brian of the Mount Zion Primitive Baptist church. he confirmed to come to bring His church choir for our next public event. Bible Way church, and giving holy candy.
Often on Sundays after I visit Christian churches and sometimes I give talk. I usually witness to clergy and give out holy candy to them and their wives. I have to go fundraising to raise fund to financially support our next public event. I even have to financially pay for all of these ACLC public events including gas to drive to these churches (office supply of ink, flyers Xeroxes, plastic cups and plates and table cloths and many gifts to the pastors who come to help me to set up the events and To the host Christian church who is sponsoring our ACLC program and much more expenses that entailed plus food for program and much more).