The Words of the Dickerson Family |
On April 26, 2010 the daughter of Rev. Michael and Yoshie Dickerson transitioned to her new life in the spiritual world. Let us all remember her and the Dikerson family during this time by offering prayers for Melodies smooth transition and supporting Michael and Yoshie as needed. Melodie had been fighting a brave battle with cancer. Michael shared the following about Melodie:
Born: 11 Sept.1975
Died: 26 April 2010
She was a faithful, kind, and obedient daughter of God.
She suffered much, but never complained
She fulfilled her responsibility as a daughter of God.
She was full of compassion for all she encountered. She loved God and True Parents and was faithful and true and we honor her now forever.
As we celebrate Melodies life as a Blessed Central Family member we will send you updates on her Seunghwa and how we can help.
Rev. Lamson