The Words of the Dolgov Family |
Almaty, Kazakhstan -- UPF-Kazakhstan held a conference on the theme of "Ideal family as the foundation for world peace" on January 15 to inspire young people about the vision for creating ideal families. The event was part of UPF's "Abel UN" Peace Campaign.
Ambassadors for Peace Prof. Baybolov Serekpek and his wife Dr. Baybolova Nesipjan shared with the audience about their experiences during their 53 years of married life. According to them, the biggest secret of their happy life together is mutual love and attention to each other.
Then Vladimir Dolgov, the head of the International Educational Foundation in Kazakhstan, gave a presentation on Five Conditions for Creating a Better Family. The lecture stimulated a very interesting discussion.
There was a warm and friendly atmosphere at the conference, which was attended by 13 people.