The Words of the Faerber Family |
Lusaka, Zambia - Sixty-five people attended an April 24 seminar for Ambassadors for Peace on the theme of "Corruption and Good Governance." In his opening speech, the Chairman of UPF-Zambia chapter, Hon. Gen. Malimba N. Masheke, emphasized the mission of the Universal Peace Federation in bringing together people from all sectors of society to join efforts to promote peace.
The first presentation was given by Mr. Chiko Halwindi, the Community Education Officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission (which was created in 1980 by an act of the Zambia Government in its fight against corruption). He spoke about The Role of the Anti-Corruption Commission in Combating Corruption in Society. He envisions the commission contributing to public well-being and enabling people to live in harmonious and peaceful societies.
The second presentation was given by Dr. Skechley Sacika, a member of Peace Council of UPF-Zambia. He spoke about the Principles of Peace-building and Good Governance.
Then Rev. Rudolf Faerber, Secretary General of UPF-Zambia, gave presentations on the Original Ideal of Peace, Principles of Understanding Human Conflict, and Principles of Restoration.
Fruitful discussions followed the presentations. The participants were touched by what they learned and pledged to put into practice what they received and share it with other people, the community, and the nation as whole. Twenty-one people received certificates as Ambassadors for Peace.
One-day seminars were held for clergy on March 4, March 25, and April 29 at the Peace Embassy. The theme was "Challenges of the church in the 21st century." Rev. Rudolf Faerber gave PowerPoint presentations followed by question and answer sessions. Closing remarks at the April 29 seminar were given by Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, who talked about his blessing in marriage and under Christian leaders to work together.